Author: Namratha Gopal

If you are looking for a hair repair treatment and at the same time for a good hair shine then this hair mask is absolutely designed for you. This extreme shine hair mask is an amazing mask for hydration and nourishment. This also been said to act as conditioner which helps you keep your hair ready to brush with ease. With that said, let’s check out the recipe for extreme shine hair mask for hair repair treatment which is amazing for damaged hair that is prone to break easily. Let’s begin –


Recipe for the extreme shine hair mask

Benefits of the ingredients used in the extreme shine hair mask recipe


Rice contains about 75 to 80% of starch. Which is why, rice water is starchy water that remains after soaking or cooking rice. Rice contains many minerals and vitamins, they include:

  • Anti-oxidants
  • Amino acids
  • Minerals like potassium, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, manganese and a lot of fiber
  • B vitamins
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin C

Beside rice being trendy when it comes to skincare and hair care regimens, it isn’t new. As it dates back to ancient times when the ladies used to flaunt their tresses that used to drape floor because their secret was rice water and its hair masks.  Rice has many benefits that include – helps remove dandruff, detangles your hair, stimulate hair growth, strengthens the hair follicles, gives vitality and improves their appearance.


Eggs are rich in biotin and protein. They naturally help in nourish and moisturize the hair. Eggs also help in repairing the hair by preventing the hair breakage for the damaged tresses. They also help in conditioning the scalp and stimulate the hair growth. It helps add shine and volume to the hair. Eggs can also help increase the hair strength and improve its texture. 


Mayonnaise helps add shine and strength to the tresses. Mayonnaise is been used since ages for its benefits for hair repair treatment as they are rich in vitamins and proteins. Mayonnaise help deep condition the hair as they are rich in amino and fatty acids, this can help hydrate the hair. Mayonnaise can be the great alternative to your chemical conditioners. It also helps in hair growth as it is rich in protein, helps in preventing the dandruff and improves the hair texture.


Things you need:

  • ½ cup rice water
  • 1 egg (yolk or whites depending upon your concern for hair)
  • Mayonnaise (as per the consistency)


Rice water recipe

Take a cup and add 4 tablespoon of rice in to it. Just give a mild wash to it and fill the rest with water. Let it infuse for at least 6 hours. If you have a dry hair then leave it to infuse for 6 to 8 hours and not more than that. If it’s not the case then you can leave it on for 12 to 24 hours. Strain the mixture and your rice water is ready to use. Make sure to infuse not more than 24 hours as it can make your hair even drier. DETAILED RICE WATER RECIPE HERE >>>

Extreme shine hair mask recipe

Take a mixing bowl and add 1 egg (yolk only or white only or both depending upon your hair concern), enough mayonnaise to form the consistency you want and ½ cup of rice water. Give them a very good mix and you are ready.


Apply the mask all over your hair right from root to the end. Leave it on for 2 hours and cover your hair with shower cap. Wash it off with the mild shampoo.


  • Patch test is mandatory before you use this hair mask and check if it works for your hair.
  • Use the freshly prepared mask as much as possible. 
  • Discard the usage in case you feel any scalp irritation. 
  • Do not expect instant results instead give it a little time for it to work.
  • Use organic products/ ingredients for best results and to maintain the scalp health.
  • Can adjust the quantity required as per the hair length.
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