I think you all might have probably discovered that this blog’s recipes contain turmeric in most of the DIYs for skincare and health categories. So now, let’s learn how to make pure turmeric powder at home. These days it’s very necessary to boost our immune system and turmeric which has medicinal properties does this job easily. Many of us do not have patience in preparing homemade turmeric powder, so we buy it from our nearby stores. The turmeric which we buy from stores would be adulterated with some kind of flours and added colours. Consuming this adulterated product is really not a good idea and applying it over your skin as well. So let’s switch to natural turmeric powder which we can easily incorporate in our diet and as well as in our skincare DIYs. So let’s check the recipe and ways to use it.

Let me be very frank, realistic, simple and clear. Many of the social media videos and blogs do mention about various methods in preparing the turmeric powder, like air-drying, oven-drying and by using dehydrator etc. The best way to prepare homemade turmeric powder is by sun drying! Definitely not a quick process but it is all worth it!
Do bring the fresh turmeric root/sticks from your nearby provision store or you can even buy them online. Let me describe the preparation steps and they follow like this:
- You can buy how much ever quantity you want. Say you can buy some 250 to 500gms of fresh turmeric root depending upon your need and daily usage.
- Clean the sticks, peel using a peeler, slice and sundry them until there’s no moisture content in it. It should be crispy and hard.
- Wear gloves so that your hands won’t be stained.
- If you have stone mortor and pestle take small quantites of them, grind them into small pieces roughly.
- Continue to do this in batches until you are done with all the turmeric sticks.
- Now take these small sticks into batches and grind them in the blender to powder (Do this 2 times – to make sure you get smooth powder).
- Now sieve the mixture to get fine powder.
- To make it even simpler (alternative to 4, 5, 6 and 7) go to your nearest flour mill and get this done. You will have to sieve it again to make sure to get fine powder.
- It’s done. You can choose either stone mortor-pestle method or flour mill method depending upon your time availability and quantity of turmeric root sticks.
- Preferably can go for flour mill method for more quantity.
- Store the sieved mixture into the air-tight container and this can be stored more than one year.
- Wounds and cuts
The first thing that comes to our mind about turmeric is to apply it on wound and cuts to stop the blood flow and help healing due to anti-septic properties. Patch test beforehand.
- Turmeric face and body scrub
Check out the recipe for preparing turmeric face scrub and body scrub – RECIPE HERE >>>
- DIY body lotion
If you are fed up too many lotions that didn’t work for you, make one for youself. RECIPE HERE >>>
- Skin softener
Get the soft and supple skin with a evened out skin texture! RECIPE HERE >>>
- Turmeric soap
You can easily prepare your turmeric soap with the goat milk soap base or any soap base that you prefer and the one that suits you. Check out the recipe of turmeric soap HERE >>>
- Bridal turmeric polish
If you are a bride to be, definitely try this bridal polish You can check it HERE >>>
- Turmeric Sleeping gel
If you want to wake up with a glow and cute happy smile check our sleeping gel recipe using turmeric HERE >>>
- Cure acne with turmeric
Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric, 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder and some raw milk to form paste. Use it as a mask.
- Turmeric exfoliation
Mix together 1 tablespoon of masoordal powder, ½ teaspoon of turmeric and rose water to form paste. Use it as a scrub.
- Golden milk recipe for Boosting immunity
Boost your immunity with this golden milk recipe and be strong and confident. Check this out for the recipe HERE >>>
2. Turmeric ginger tea for period cramps
Turmeric is known to decrease the pain and intensity of the period cramps due its anti-inflammatory properties. You can add it to your food and/or either add it to ginger tea.
3. Burn stubborn belly fat with turmeric
Turmeric accelerates digestion, increases metabolism and promotes weight loss. The curcumin in turmeric suppresses the growth if fat tissues helps reduce weight. Add 1 tablespoon of grated ginger, 1 inch cinnamon stick and teaspoon of turmeric to 1 glass water and boil it for 5 mins. Strain it and drink it in the morning or in the evening.
4. Natural teeth whitening with turmeric
Take a banana peel and sprinkle little turmeric on it and rub over your teeth. Wash it after 5 mins. Do this thrice a week for better results.
5. Can be used in the toothpaste
You can sprinkle some pinch of turmeric and little salt for teeth whitening and brightening. You can even check how to make turmeric toothpaste recipe HERE >>>
[…] can refer this article about how to prepare turmeric powder at home. Use natural turmeric powder for the best results. Turmeric is gentle and invigorating that makes […]