Author: Namratha Gopal

You all know how much I have been stressing the importance of natural home remedies making at home. Today it is about Ayurvedic recipe – The magical hair growth oil. Trust me this hair growth oil has numerous benefits which all of us can swear by.  We just rely upon curry leaves infused/ boiled coconut oil thinking it may do miracle. Seriously?  I totally agree even that provides nourishment but if you want all the hair related problems to be solved, then the DIY Hair growth oil is here to save you. Before jumping to the recipe please make sure to know their benefits which I will be mentioning below and this contain so many healthy ingredients that help your hair grow, prevent dandruff, dry and itchy scalp and provides extreme nourishment to your hair. Get amazed by the details I mention below which is all super natural and effective. Here we go-


Recipe for DIY Hair Growth Oil

Benefits of the ingredients used in the DIY hair growth oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has several benefits and is used in almost all the hair DIYs. When used as a leave-in treatment it helps seal moisture content in hair. Helps treating dry and flaky scalp, prevents split ends and hair breakage. Coconut oil is the best in getting frizz-free hair and the fatty acids in coconut oil have anti-microbial properties that help in treating dandruff. Mainly helps in promoting hair growth.

Hibiscus Flowers and its Leaves

Hibiscus is rich in nutrients such as amino acids which are very necessary in producing the keratin. They stimulate hair regrowth and are capable of transforming from dormant follicles and even bald patches to thick and dense follicles when used regularly. We can easily count on the hibiscus for silky smooth hair and their leaves are also very beneficial. They are rich in invigorating ingredients that is flavonoids and amino acids that is very helpful in obtaining healthy strong hair.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are very beneficial for hair since they are rich in antioxidants and beta-carotene and protein. They play a major role in preventing hair loss and thinning of hair. The antioxidant in curry leaves helps moisturizing the scalp and remove dead hair follicles making the path for new ones. The amino acid in curry leaves help strengthen hair fibers. 

Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are rich in iron and protein which are two essential nutrients in promoting hair growth. They are high in nicotinic acid content which is beneficial in fighting against hair fall and dandruff. In short fenugreek seeds can be called as storehouse of minerals since it has folic acid, Vitamin A, K and C which are beneficial in reducing hair fall. It hydrates and moisturizes the scalp. And it helps in strengthening hair follicles.

Tulsi Leaves (Indian Holy Basil Leaves)

Tulsi is loaded with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes and phytonutrients. It is rich in vitamin K and antioxidants thus help in better blood circulation for the scalp. Tulsi benefits hair by rejuvenating the hair follicles and strengthening roots which in turn curbs hair fall.  Very helpful for getting healthy hair that helps with issues like dry scalp, itchiness, dandruff and baldness.


Kalonji Seeds 

Kalonji seeds or nigella seeds has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that are all essential nutrients for promoting hair growth and reduces premature graying. One easiest way to incorporate kalonji seeds is by using them in oil. It has omega 3 fatty acids that help in increasing blood circulation.

Your Favourite Essential Oil 

But preferably use essential oils that are beneficial for hair growth and overall scalp health. You can use rosemary essential oil for its added advantages for this DIY hair growth oil.


Things you need:

  • 1 litre of coconut oil (can adjust the quantity as per your needs)
  • Some handful of curry leaves (approximately some 10 to 12 bunches)
  • 10 to 12 hibiscus flowers
  • 20 to 30 hibiscus leaves
  • 10 to 15 bunches of tulsi leaves
  • 2 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds/powder
  • 1.5 tablespoon of kalonji seeds (if you don’t have it, can use chopped onions- 1or 2 no.)
  • 5 drops of essential oil


To prepare this DIY Hair growth oil, Firstly take a jar and blend hibiscus flowers, hibiscus leaves, tulsi leaves and curry leaves to smooth. Now take kadai and add coconut oil to it. Once the oil is warm enough, add the blended paste and fenugreek powder/seeds and kalonji seeds/powder to it. Cook this for about 15 mins. Turn off the flame and make sure you do not burn this mixture for long. Leave this mixture to cool down for overnight and strain it in the next morning. Now add few drops of your favorite essential oil to it and stir well. You can store this in the glass jar or any bottle. DIY Hair growth oil is ready to be used! Use it as an overnight treatment or as a 2 hour pre-shampoo hot oil treatment.


  • Can adjust the quantity of the ingredients. However this is preferable since it can be stored for long and is the standard measurement.
  • Maintain consistency to see the best results.
  • Perform patch test before you use this and check if you are allergic to any of the ingredient used in the hair growth mix.
  • Do not expect instant results in case of hair care especially since hair growth period is very less and can vary from person to person.  
  • Can add amla pulp to it for added benefits.
  • Make sure to have protein rich foods like egg, spinach, kiwi fruit etc for hair growth.
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