Hair can become harsh and lifeless with frequent usage of chemical-laden shampoos and products. Calcium in ordinary water makes hair strands brittle, so why not try a homemade Aloe shampoo that has clarifying properties? Hair that is soft, silky, and shiny can be achieved by using a nutrient-based DIY Aloe Shampoo to treat and provide nourishment to hair with every hair wash.

Aloe Shampoo for Rough and Dry Hair

Here is a recipe for a DIY Aloe Shampoo that adds shine, is incredibly easy to produce, and works well when used consistently.



Rose Water

The advantages of rose water on the skin are well known. But did you know that rose water can also be good for hair? The pH of rosewater, made by steam distilling rose petals is close to that of our hair. It has a significant amount of vitamins A, B, C, and E, which nourish hair follicles and stop breakage and early greying. Additionally, it treats dandruff and other scalp conditions since rose water has anti-inflammatory effects, softens hair, eliminates frizz, and adds shine.

READ MORE: Seed Juice for Hair Growth >>>

Aloe Vera Gel

Numerous nutrients and active compounds found in aloe vera can strengthen your hair. Along with fatty and amino acids, it is a good source of vitamins A, B12, C, and E. These contribute to the health of hair follicles. Additionally, it has enzymes that break down fats, robbing your hair of any excess oil (sebum). Aloe vera can greatly reduce itchiness and dandruff or flakiness. Aloe vera also protects against UV damage. Aloenin, which is found in aloe vera, encourages hair growth.

Coconut Oil 

We all are familiar with the benefits of coconut oil. Almost every one of us got coconut oil massage from our grandmas or moms during our childhood. But now, due to our busy schedules, we often forget to apply coconut oil in our hair care regime. So why not put in some coconut oil to make a healthy shampoo? Because it contains a lot of lauric acids, a type of fat that your hair can quickly and readily absorb, coconut oil is very beneficial for hair. In order to nourish hair and control frizz so you can keep a glossy sheen and healthy texture, lauric acid delivers hydration.

Castile Soap

Fewer chemicals and natural ingredients make up castile soap. This non-toxic, oil-based soap softly washes and is excellent for sensitive scalps. Anyone looking for a non-drying hair cleaner or who suffers from scalp conditions including eczema and dermatitis should try castile soap. Castile soap is free of perfumes, abrasive detergents, and other substances that could irritate the skin, just like commercial shampoos. Additionally, it protects the scalp’s natural oils and contributes to the maintenance of a healthy scalp. Additionally, it might encourage healthy hair development and maintain the health of the hair follicles.


Things you need-

  • 1/2 cup rose water 
  •  1/2 cup liquid castile soap 
  •  1/3 cup commercial aloe gel 
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
aloe shampoo


To make this DIY Aloe Shampoo take a bowl and add 1/2 cup rose water. You can use commercial rose water or homemade rose water. Add 1/2 cup liquid Castile soap followed by 1/3 cup commercial aloe gel and 1 tbsp coconut oil.  Mix the ingredients well and make sure the mixture is uniform. Store in a pump bottle bottle. Now, you can use this aloe shampoo for washing your hair to get soft and healthy hair.  Use this daily consistently for the best results.


  • Patch test beforehand to make sure none of these ingredients cause any kind of allergic reactions.
  • Do not expect instant results as hair care needs dedication.
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