We all know how multipurpose apple cider vinegar is! It is widely used in beauty as well as for health and at home. ACV has great cleansing properties which is why it is great for your skin as well as for cleaning around the house. Not just cleaning but ACV can also be used for various different purposes in your home garden. Looking out to detox your beauty, cleaning and gardening routine? Below are some amazing ways to use apple cider vinegar around the house –

Apple cider vinegar not only helps clean your laundry but it also removes stubborn stains and adds a fresh sent to your clothes. If your clothes have stubborn food stains or coffee stains, soak the stained area it with and diluted ACV for five minutes before putting it into the load. Add about 1/3 cup of organic unrefined mother ACV in your regular washing load. For extra benefits, you can also add in few drops of your favorite essential oil.
Clean Microwave
If your microwave is badly stained with food, you can use a mixture of baking soda and ACV to make your microwave sparkling clean. All you need to do is, sprinkle baking soda on the stains and then spray ACV on it. It will start bubbling. Leave it on for 10 minutes and scrape it off using a spare toothbrush or scrubber. Wipe it off with a wet cloth and then with a dry cloth.
Clean Sink
If you have a really dirty sink or if it is stained, you can use undiluted unrefined mother apple cider vinegar to directly scrub your sink. Soak the stain with ACV and scrub it nicely. For additional benefits, you can mix it with baking soda and then scrub.
Remove Mildew
Apple cider vinegar can help remove mould and mildew very easily. All you need to do is add few drops of tea tree essential oil to concentrated ACV and directly spray this on mould and mildew few times a day.
Weed Killer
If you see weed growing unnecessarily in your garden, instead of cutting it off individually you can use apple cider vinegar to get rid of them. All you need to do is mix together a tablespoon of liquid soap, 1/3 cup of apple cider vinegar and one cup of water. Pour this into a spray bottle and spray it on the weeds.
Remove Carpet Stains
If you have stains on your carpet that you cannot easily put in your laundry and needs hand washing, you can use apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Simply sprinkle baking soda on the stain and pour diluted ACV on top of it. You will see effervescence which should stop in a few minutes. Scrub using a soft scrubber and wipe it off with a wet cloth. Place a dry paper towel on it to soak all the excess liquid and leave it to air dry.
Clean the Glass Windows
You don’t need to use toxic glass cleaners anymore because you can use apple cider vinegar for the same! Simply mix together equal quantities of ACV and water and put it in an easy to use the spray bottle. Spray this on your glass windows and wipe it off with a dry cloth or sponge. If you see any stubborn stains on your glass windows, you can also add in few teaspoons of liquid soap in the mixture.
Get Rid of House Flies and Mosquitoes
If you have a lot of house flies and mosquitoes in the house and want to get rid of it, you can use apple cider vinegar. Simply add a tablespoon of liquid soap to 1/3 cup of ACV and pour it into a cup. Place this in the corners wherever you see house flies and mosquitoes. The flies and mosquitoes get attracted to the fermented smell and get trapped in the liquid.
Remove Soap Scum
Apple cider vinegar can also help remove soap scum from the floors and walls in your bathroom. All you need to do is make a mixture of equal quantities of ACV and liquid castile soap. Add in few tablespoons of baking soda and mix it well. Pour this mixture on the soap scum, let it sit for 5-10 minutes before you scrub it off using a scrubber.
Clean China Cutlery
You can make your own china cutlery cleaner by mixing together ACV, few drops of lemon essential oil, few teaspoons of liquid castile soap and some baking soda. Use this to scrub your china cutlery with a sponge and rinse off with water.