Hair removal is a personal preference and there are so many different types of hair removal methods that work differently on different skin. Body hair removal is extremely common and is done regularly but facial hair removal is something not everyone needs but people choose to get it removed if it is quite visible, or if you just prefer smooth facial skin. Removing upper lip hair and side-locks is a very common practice and many chose to do it by their own will. If you are okay with your facial hair, well and good but if you want to know different ways to remove facial hair, I got you covered! Below are some methods to remove facial hair –

This method needs no introduction! Waxing is really common and one of the most preferred hair removal methods. It removes hair from the root and is slightly painful. Waxing needs maintenance every 2 to 3 weeks, depending on your hair growth pattern. If waxing suits you, you can stick to this method but people with sensitive skin or acne prone skin often end up with rashes and breakouts after a facial waxing session. In that case, you will have to give this method a skip. There are also different types of waxes used for this method depending on the hair growth and skin type. In case you have sensitive skin go for hard wax and not regular hot sugar wax. If waxing your facial skin suits you, use a calming aloe vera gel after every session and exfoliate your facial skin regularly to prevent ingrown hair.
Laser treatment is one of the most expensive method to get rid of facial hair but it is definitely worth it! Also, I would like to mention that laser hair removal does not remove your hair hundred percent, it makes your hair very scanty and negligible and needs maintenance at least once in a year. There are different types of laser used depending on your hair growth and hair thickness, your dermatologist would be able to recommend you a perfect laser after consultation.
Shaving is one method that works perfectly for my facial skin! I wax all over my body but it does not suit my facial skin and shaving has been my savior! Shaving removes hair from the surface and not from the hair follicle, so you might have to shave at least once in a week depending on your hair growth. Shaving does not accelerate your hair growth or make your hair rough, your hair does not have a blunt and and that’s about it! It is one of the quickest and painless ways to get rid of facial hair instantly. You can dry shave or use your favorite facial oil or aloe vera gel to shave. Also make sure to sanitize your razor before and after using. Use a turmeric face mask or aloe vera gel after every shaving session.
Turmeric Mask
This is an Ayurvedic way of reducing facial hair growth and is definitely not instant. You have to keep doing this for a longer period to see any effect and you also need to keep doing it to maintain results. To use this method, you have to mix together 3 tablespoons of whole wheat flour, few drops of lemon juice, half teaspoon of turmeric powder and enough rose water to make a spreadable paste. Apply a thick layer of this mask on your facial skin and let it completely dry. This might take about 20 to 30 minutes or even more depending on how thick the mask is. Using dry fingertips, gently scrape off the mask by massaging and rinse off of the residue.
Rice Flour Mask
Rice flour mask works just as turmeric mask. It is the massaging that helps reduce facial hair gradually. To make this mask, mix together rice flour, few drops of lemon juice and enough yogurt to make a spreadable thick paste. Apply this on your facial skin and let it completely dry. Using dry fingertips, scrape off the mask and rinse your face with water.
Gelatin Strips
Gelatin strips work just as well as hard wax if prepared properly. Mix together 3 to 4 tablespoons of gelatin powder and add in enough milk or water. Microwave to melt it all together and while it is still warm, apply on your facial skin. Let it completely dry and peel it off gently.