Turmeric is one of my favorite natural ingredients to use and I regularly incorporate this in my skincare routine. It is quite known for its brightening and healing properties and is truly a wonderful skincare ingredient. Face milk is in trend and I thought why not try out a turmeric face milk at home and it truly did work wonders and I quite like how it makes my skin feel. Thought of sharing the recipe with you guys and here is how you can make DIY turmeric face milk at home-

DIY TURMERIC FACE MILK- Brightening & Softening



Wild Turmeric

Wild turmeric is specifically used for beauty purposes and it has amazing healing and brightening properties. It is called as the king of Ayurveda and I absolutely love using this ingredient. It not only helps brighten your skin and reduce tan but it also keeps it clear, fights acne and mild skin infections. Keep your skin super healthy, glowing and evens out skin tone. Has anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and softening properties.

Turmeric Oil

Turmeric oil has the exact same benefits as that of turmeric powder just that this is more potent and concentrated and also has moisturizing properties. Contains essential fatty acids that not only help heal the skin from within but also softens and adds a beautiful glow. Helps unclog pores and keep your skin clear.

Almond Flour/Powder

Almond has skin brightening benefits and it is also known for its anti-pigmentation effects. Great for dark circles, dark spots, uneven skin tone and also for darkness around the mouth and cheeks. Adds a beautiful glow, moisturizes and makes your skin super healthy.


Vitamin E Oil

Vitamin E oil is a great source of antioxidants and it helps fight free radicals and delay premature ageing signs like lines and wrinkles. Keeps your skin super healthy, fights sun damage and also has great moisturizing and hydrating effects.

Aloe Gel

Aloe vera gel makes a great base in this recipe and it also has amazing anti-inflammatory and skin calming benefits. Keep your skin hydrated, moisturized and also makes your skin supple and soft. Helps mix all the ingredients together in this recipe and also makes the final product blend-able and easy to use.


Things you need-

  • 5 tablespoons commercial aloe gel
  • ¼ teaspoon wild turmeric
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric oil
  • 1 capsule vitamin E oil
  • 1 tablespoon almond powder (finely milled)


In a mixing bowl, add commercial aloe vera gel and wild turmeric powder. You cannot use fresh aloe vera gel in this recipe as it does not have a shelf life and it will also not emulsify with other ingredients. Add in turmeric oil, vitamin E oil and finely milled almond powder (pass it through a sieve to achieve fine powder and if you are making it at home, sun dry it before grinding). Mix it really well until it is lump free, homogeneous and well emulsified. If you want it to be a little thinner, add in some rosewater. Transfer this to an easy-to-use bottle and use it as a facial serum or a facial moisturizer twice a day. Shelf life depends on the shelf life of ingredients used.


  • Since it’s a DIY, feel free to experiment with the quantities and also you can add in more or less ingredients as per your skin needs or ingredient availability.
  • Stick to a routine for a longer period for it to work.
  • Do not forget to patch test before using.
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