Author: Namratha Gopal

Tired of applying hair masks for hair growth? Does it stain your clothes? Does it fall on your face and you get irritated every now and then? Running out of time? Feeling lazy to apply masks? Plain fermented rice water smelling pungent? Then you gotta try this vitamins and minerals rich recipe infused with orange peels. This recipe is approved and suggested by the doctor to all those who are suffering from the hair loss. You don’t need any complicated hair care routine for hair growth, simply soak your hair with this orange rice water and voila! So with that being said, let’s quickly jump to the recipe of orange rice water-


Recipe for Orange Rice Water for hair growth

Benefits of the ingredients used in the Orange Rice Water recipe

Fresh orange peels

Orange peels are packed with vitamin C and it leaves your hair with a natural shine, texture and bounce. They also treat various scalp infections and dandruff. The best part about this is that to all those who feels their scalp oily after a wash, it prevents scalp from excess sebum secretion. It helps the hair in conditioning and cleanses the scalp.

Rice water

Rice water contains selenium that helps to promote hair growth and reduces dandruff. It contains folic acid which helps in thickening and strengthening the hair. The magnesium in rice water helps in stimulating the hair growth. Rice water contains niacin which has vitamin B3 that helps in transforming dull, frizz, dry and weak hair.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are rich in iron and protein which are two essential nutrients in promoting hair growth. They are high in nicotinic acid content which is beneficial in fighting against hair fall and dandruff. In short, fenugreek seeds can be called as storehouse of minerals since it has folic acid, Vitamin A, K and C which are beneficial in reducing hair fall. It hydrates and moisturizes the scalp. And it helps in strengthening hair follicles.



Things you need:

  • Fresh organic Orange Peels (of one orange)
  • ½ cup of organic Rice
  • 2 cups of filtered Water
  • 3 to 4 tablespoon of organic Fenugreek Seeds (optional)
  • Few drops of Essential Oil (optional and as per your choice)


To prepare this orange rice water, take a small bowl and add ½ cup of water. Swish the rice to rinse (make sure you don’t squeeze it nicely to remove the dirt from it). Just straining the rice from the water is sufficient to clean the rice and the maximum nutrients are washed off when squeezed more!! 

Now add 2 cups of water, orange peels and 3 to 4 tablespoon of fenugreek seeds to the rinsed rice. Soak it overnight (12 to 24hrs). Now cook the soaked mixture for 5 minutes on low flame. Strain it and let it cool down to room temperature. Now add few drops of your favorite essential oil as per your requirement and it is completely optional. Give it a very good mix and transfer it to the spray bottle. Apply all over your scalp and give a mild massage on to the scalp for 10 minutes. Leave it on for 2 hours and wash it with mild shampoo. Apply this mixture for twice a month.


  • Patch test is mandatory before you use this recipe and check if it works for your hair.
  • Use the fresh solution as much as possible.
  • Discard the usage in case you feel any scalp irritation. 
  • Do not expect instant results.
  • Use organic products/ ingredients for best results and to maintain the scalp health.
  • Can adjust the quantity required as per the hair length.
  • Apply your regular hair oil after 1 or 2 days and follow up with the hair wash and conditioner.
  • Do not exceed twice a month in using this recipe as it can worsen your hair by making it very dry.
  • Hair growth doesn’t happen overnight. Hence maintain consistency to see the best results.
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