Author: Kadambari R.

Blackheads occur when your pores get clogged due to dead skin cells and excess sebum secretion. People with oily skin are more prone to get blackheads. We try so many ways to remove blackheads starting from nose strips to scrubbing. But it always comes back. Do you know why? It’s because we don’t always take care of our skin. Persistence and patience is needed in order to get a healthy skin. Incorporating toners in your skin care regime will always aid in clearing the pores. With that being said, not everyone prefers store bought toners. So that’s why we have a recipe for DIY Blackhead Clearing Toner exclusively for you. Let’s quickly check it out.



Benefits of ingredients used in the blackhead clearing toner:


Rose water helps in maintaining the pH level on the skin. It acts as an astringent and aids in controlling excess sebum secretion. Rose water refreshes the skin and also moisturises the skin well. It has anti-inflammatory properties and also rejuvenates the skin. Has a nice fragrance that helps you calm immediately. It is very gentle on the skin. This doesn’t dry out your skin. 


Witch hazel is being widely used in the cosmetic industry for various purposes. It has innumerable benefits and is enriched with antioxidants. It offers relief to the inflamed skin, soothes skin irritation and fights acne. Witch hazel removes excess oil on the skin and tightens the pores. Using witch hazel also slows down the signs of ageing. But it is to be noted that people with extremely dry skin must avoid including this in their skin care regime. 


Apple cider vinegar has been used widely in place of toner for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to unclog the pores. It has Alpha Hydroxy Acid which increases blood flow to the skin. It also exfoliates the skin and removes gunk from the pores. This also takes care of imbalanced pH on the skin. Apple cider vinegar, reduces excess sebum secretion. It has anti-microbial properties and thereby combats acne and pimples. Also has acetic acid which might be helpful in treating skin related issues. 

READ MORE: ACNE TONER- Clear Acne Naturally! >>>


Cucumber seed oil nourishes and rejuvenates your skin. It has a component called phytosterol which protects your skin from water loss and hydrates the skin. Cucumber seed oil repairs damaged skin. It has Vitamin E and therefore keeps the skin well nourished and also has anti-ageing properties. Using this oil diminishes wrinkles and helps fade away acne scarring and fine lines.


Things you need:

  • Rose water – ½ Cup
  • Witch hazel – ¼ cup
  • Apple cider vinegar – 1 tablespoon
  • Cucumber seed oil – 1 tablespoon


To prepare the blackhead clearing toner, take a spray bottle and add ½ cup rosewater, ¼ cup witch hazel, 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon cucumber seed oil. Then shake the bottle well and store it in the refrigerator.


Wash your face before using the toner. Then take the toner and spray it all over your face. Wait for it to dry and then proceed with your moisturiser and sunscreen. If you don’t have a spray bottle, store in a normal bottle. Use a cotton pad and gently pat it all over your face. 


  • Make sure you do a patch test before using the toner to avoid any allergic reactions. 
  • If you have dry skin, make sure to use a moisturiser after using the toner. (Avoid if you have extremely dry skin or consult a doctor)
  • Shake the bottle before every use. 
  • Store it in a refrigerator. 
  • Make a fresh batch each week. 
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