Author: Namratha Gopal | Illustrator: Parvathi Nayanar

There are various causes of hair loss like pollution, stress, hormonal imbalance, usage of chemical laden products and bad eating habits / poor diet. In spite of using tons of remedies for boosting your hair growth, it’s always worth to know that good diet is what matters for promoting hair growth. Your first go-to list has to be checking your diet when you are facing hair fall problem rather first jumping onto trying out your remedies. Because providing sufficient nutrition to your body is what matters and is very important. Here are top hair growth boosting foods that are not only helpful in promoting hair growth but also for your overall health. Let’s begin without much delay –


Top 10 Hair Growth Boosting Foods


Eggs are the known source of protein and biotin both of which are the nutrients that helps in promoting the hair growth. Biotin supplements are heavily marketed for their benefits in promoting the hair growth and the reason behind is that the biotin is essential for the production of a hair protein called keratin. Our hair is made of protein and therefore it is essential to have protein in your diet. Eggs are also a great source of selenium, zinc and other hair-healthy nutrients.


This green leafy vegetable which is loaded with folate, vitamin A, vitamin C and iron helps in promoting hair growth. Additionally, spinach is a great source of plant-based iron which helps in promoting hair growth. 


Fish is an essential source of omega-3 fatty acids which are directly linked to hair growth. They are a great source of protein, selenium, vitamin D3 and Vitamin B which are hair healthy nutrients that promotes strong hair growth. 


Munching on nuts is the easiest and convenient way of incorporating in your diet. Because they contribute a major part of providing your daily dose of vitamins. They are known to provide wide variety of nutrients like zinc, essential fatty acids and B vitamins. 

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits contain iron, vitamin C, flavonoid, citric acid, antioxidants, beta-carotene, fibre, magnesium etc which helps in balancing the scalp’s pH, reduces excess oil and strengthen the hair follicles. Incorporating citrus fruits in your daily diet will help in promoting the hair growth by unclogging the pores, reducing the dandruff and hair loss.  


Beans are a great source of plant-based protein and are again very good for hair growth. It is also a good source of iron, zinc, folate and biotin that helps in optimal hair health. This makes stronger and more resistant to hair breakage and helps in promoting volume and thickness.


Sweet peppers

Adding sweet peppers in to the diet has so much advantage as it contains iron and vitamin C. But the amount of vitamin C that the peppers give are high than compared to the citrus fruits provides. Plus they are great source of fiber and vitamin A. These vitamins help stimulating the hair growth and speeds up the process thus keeping hair growth healthy.


Berries are loaded with beneficial compounds like vitamin C and antioxidants that helps in promoting the hair growth. And this helps body uses the vitamin C to produce a protein called collagen that helps to strengthen the hair follicles against hair brittleness and breakage. Berries help in protecting the hair follicles against the harmful free radicals. 


Red meat in particular helps in providing the rich source of iron which is easy to absorb. This also helps the red blood cells deliver the oxygen to all the cells in the body and helps repairing hair follicles. 


Avocados are an excellent source of vitamin E which helps in promoting the hair growth. About 200gms of avocado provides 21% daily dose of vitamin E. Like vitamin C, vitamin E also helps in combating the oxidative stress by neutralizing the free radicals. They are also a rich source of essential source of fatty acids which is hair-growth friendly. 


The content in this article is for generic information only and it’s nowhere a substitute of medical opinion. If none of the above works for you always take doctor’s advice before trying them out. Also make sure to take any hair-growth supplements and multi-vitamins under the supervision of doctor. 

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