We all want our hair to look silky and smooth, but due to various factors like dry weather, using excessive heat styling tools, using excessive hair styling products etc. can make your hair rough and fizzy. Hair that is very dry and frizzy lacks shine and hence it looks dull and damaged. Also, if you have severely chemically damaged hair, you might need some deep conditioning hair treatments to restore the natural moisture in your hair. You need not spend a lot of money in the salon to make your hair look smooth and shiny! Here we have a very natural hair mask recipe- the avocado hair mask that can make your hair, super shiny, smooth and repair damage.

avocado hair mask for gorgeous hair




Avocado naturally contains Biotin that helps your hair grow and become healthier. It also has magnesium and potassium that seal the cuticles and make your hair super smooth and shiny and also helps to reduce hair breakage and hair fall. It contains essential fatty acids that deeply nourish and condition your hair which makes it a great ingredient for repairing dry and frizzy hair. Some of the very dominant hair care benefits include facilitating hair growth, deeply nourish hair, relieving itchy scalp due to dry weather, repairing damaged hair, fight dandruff and treat scalp inflammation. 

Argan Oil

This wonderful oil is rich in essential fatty acids that nourish and protect your hair. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E and it benefits hair by penetrating the hair follicles and strengthening weakened hair. It keeps your hair very moisturised and adds a beautiful reflective shine. This liquid gold also reduces any inflammation on the scalp and also helps reduce dandruff. If you have very dry scalp due to dry weather, this is a must have ingredient in your hair care routine.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a well-known hair care ingredient and is used since ages! Not only does it have moisturising properties due to its fatty acids, but it also has antifungal and antibacterial effects that keeps dandruff away. It deeply nourishes the scalp and hair and boosts hair growth and also prevent hair fall to a great extent. Coconut oil works as a great scalp treatment for dandruff, adds a natural shine to the hair, works as a deep conditioner and detangler, reduces frizz. It also works as a light hold styler for the hair if used sparingly, seals in moisture and keeps hair super healthy and shiny.

READ MORE: Seed Juice for Hair Growth >>>


Honey works as a Natural humectant that deeply hydrates hair and nourish the scalp at the same time. It works amazingly for dull and brittle hair and adds a beautiful sheen and moisture. Honey is rich in vitamins like B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and it helps encourage hair growth by providing essential vitamins and minerals. It strengthens hair and prevents hair fall. Regularly using Honey for hair can make your hair super soft and silky.


Things You Need-

  • 1 Ripe Avocado
  • 2 tbsps Argan Carrier Oil
  • 2 tbsps Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Raw Honey


To make this avocado hair mask, mash a ripe avocado (you might need more of you have longer and thicker hair) until it is lump-free and then add in raw honey, coconut oil, and argan oil. Mix it all really well, if you feel the mask is not smooth, you can use a hand mixer as well. Once it’s evenly combined, apply this super thick and creamy mask on your scalp and hair length and tie a top knot. Let it sit for 1 to 2 hours and then use a shampoo as a normally would. You can use this mask once every week to maintain the results.


Do not expect instant results as you need to use this mask a few times to see any result or to maintain the result. Use best quality and organic ingredients. If You’re allergic to any of the ingredients used in the avocado hair mask recipe, feel free to substitute it with whatever ingredients that work best for your hair.

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