Premature hair greying is one of the most common hair issues and factors like stress add on to the problem. Premature greying is nothing but early greying of hair and frankly speaking there isn’t anything wrong about it if you are comfortable with it. You cannot really reverse grey hair to its original hair color but you can definitely start taking measures to prevent early or premature greying. Below are some effective natural remedies for premature greying that you might want to incorporate in your hair care routine –

Black/Nigella Sativa Seeds
To make black seed mask, you need to grind black seeds to fine powder and add in enough coconut oil or rose water to make a paste. Apply this on your scalp and hair and keep it on for 2 to 3 hours before you use a shampoo. Alternatively, you can also make black seed oil by infusing this black seed powder in coconut oil for a month and then straining it out. Use it as a hot oil treatment before shampooing.
You can soak half cup of fenugreek seeds in 2 cups of water overnight and then strain it in the morning. Use the water as a hair mask. You can also blend these soaked fenugreek seeds with some yogurt to make a paste and use it as a hair mask. You also get fenugreek oil commercially, you can use that as a pre-shampoo hot oil treatment. If you want to make your own fenugreek hair oil at home, you need to infuse half cup of fenugreek powder in 2 cups of coconut oil for 24 hours and then strain it out. Use this fenugreek oil for hair care.
Curry leaves
I have used curry leaf infused coconut oil all my life on my hair which is why my hair is in good condition now and there is negligible premature greying. All you need to do is fry handful of fresh or dried curry leaves in one cup of coconut oil and then keep it infused. Use this oil as a pre-shampoo hot oil treatment. Alternatively, you can also directly use fresh curry leaf juice has a hair mask two hours before shampooing.
If you have fresh bhringraj or if you have bhringraj powder, you can simply make a paste by mixing it with coconut oil or olive oil and then use it as a hair mask 2 hours before shampooing.
Green Tea Vinegar
To make ginger tea vinegar, you need to infuse half cup of green tea leaves in one cup of coconut or olive oil. Secure it with an airtight lid and keep it in the dark for one week. Let the green tea stay infused in it and just add 2 to 3 tablespoons of this vinegar to 1 cup of water and use it as a last hair rinse.
Sesame Oil
You can use sesame oil directly as a hot oil treatment prior to shampooing. You can also mix it with equal quantities of castor oil and then use it as a hair massage oil before shampooing. For added benefits, add in few drops of rosemary essential oil.
Indian Gooseberry
You can use dry powder of Indian gooseberry or amla to make a hair mask by mixing it with equal quantities of yogurt. Use it as a two hour hair mask before using a shampoo. If you want to make a hair oil, you can infuse this powder in coconut oil for a week or so and then strain it out.
Black Castor Oil
Black castor oil not only helps with preventing premature greying but it also boosts growth. Use warm black castor oil to massage your scalp and hair at least once every two weeks. You can also mix it with equal quantities of coconut or olive oil and then use it as a hot oil treatment.
- Nothing is going to help you reverse greying, remedies and products will help delay them to some extent.
- Make it a habit to include these remedies in your regular hair care routine for better results.
- Be sure to not be stressed all the time and eat a healthy well-balanced diet along with using topical treatments.