We all love a good beach day but if you have sensitive skin, you might come home with a sun burn. Mild sunburn is really common but if you have super sensitive skin, your sunburn can hurt or cause pain and can look really inflamed. It is really important to calm your skin down as soon as you come home after a beach day in hot summer to prevent blistering and scarring. Dealing with a harsh sun burn is no fun but if you are looking out for some super effective remedies to soothe sunburn, I have got you covered! Below are some really amazing anti-inflammatory remedies to soothe a sunburn –

I love vera gel has anti-inflammatory and skin soothing effect. It can calm down a sunburn and has a cooling effect on the skin that can make you feel better. Grab a fresh aloe vera leaf and cut it open. Apply the gel on sun burnt area or exposed parts of your skin and let it sit for 30 minutes before you rinse it off. Alternatively, you can also use commercial organic aloe vera gel as a moisturizer after sun exposure.
Oatmeal has great anti-inflammatory and skin soothing effect. You can soak rolled oats in water for 10 to 15 minutes and strain out the water. Apply this oatmeal water on sun burnt area and let it set. You can also apply chilled oat milk on the exposed parts of your body.
Green tea
Green tea has a great detoxing and skin soothing effect. Brew fresh green tea and apply it on the exposed parts of your body or on affected areas. You can also spray chilled green tea on sunburnt area.
You can use this anti-inflammatory and skin healing turmeric to soothe a sunburn. All you have to do is add 1 teaspoon of wild turmeric to 2 cups of water and use this as a body spray after sun exposure. Alternatively, you can also make a paste of turmeric by mixing together turmeric powder with rose water and apply a thick layer on severely sunburnt area.
Milk has skin calming effects that soothes a sunburn and makes you feel a lot better. You have to simply dip a cotton ball and chilled milk and apply it on the affected area. Alternatively, you can dilute milk with some water and use this as a body spray.
Rose water
Rose water is an all rounder and it calms your skin and suits a sunburn. All you got to do is spray chilled rose water directly on the skin. For added benefits, add few drops of rose essential oil to rose water and then spread it on the skin. Alternatively, you can freeze rose water into rose ice cubes and rub it on the affected areas.
Peppermint oil
Peppermint is quite known for its anti-inflammatory and cooling properties. You can add few drops of peppermint essential oil to half a cup of rose water and spray this all over your body especially on the exposed parts. Alternatively, you can also freeze this into ice cubes and use it to rub your skin.
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has detoxing and skin healing properties. It helps balance skin pH and has antimicrobial effects that prevents any skin infection from a severe sunburn. You can add few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to your bath water. Alternatively, you can apply it directly on the exposed part of your body. Dilute it with water and also use it as a body spray.
Cucumber has skin cooling properties. You can juice one medium-sized cucumber and freeze it into ice cubes. Rub this on the affected parts of your body. Alternatively, you can also dilute cucumber juice and use it as a body mist while it is chilled.
Cabbage is quite underrated when it comes to its anti-inflammatory properties. You can juice cabbage leaves and spray it on the sun burnt or inflamed areas of your skin. Alternatively, you can also freeze cabbage juice into ice cubes and massage it on the affected areas.
- Patch test beforehand to make sure you are not allergic to any of the ingredients used.
- If your sunburn is extremely severe and causing pain or does not subside by using remedies, it is better to go consult a doctor.