Author: Namratha Gopal
When the skin is stretched too far or too quickly be it due to weight loss or weight gain, the supporting tissues underlying the skin gets damaged and hence results in stretch marks. There are many reasons to get stretch marks for example some get it due to genetics, for some people it may be due to hormonal issues, and for some due to pregnancy, and some people do not get at all. Its definitely important to know your reason first and then treat/prevent it accordingly. One cannot erase stretch marks but can definitely lighten them to some extent with natural remedies and products! Below are some super effective 10 overnight stretch mark remedies you might want to try –

Top 10 Overnight Stretch Mark Remedies
Shea Body Butter
Things you need:
- 3-4 tbsps Shea Butter
- 1 tbsp Almond Oil
- 1 tsp Rosehip Oil
Take a small cup and mix shea butter, almond oil and rosehip according to the measurements and increase the quantity as per your requirements. Give it a good mix or whip to prepare body butter for yourself. Store in it the small jar and use it whenever you want. Apply it overnight and also after a shower. Focus on areas more prone to stretch marks.
Shea butter is great in boosting collagen production and improve skin elasticity thereby it diminishes the appearance of stretch marks. Unrefined raw shea butter is rich in vitamin A/E and also helps keeping skin hydrated. Almond oil is also rich in vitamin E which helps in keeping skin moisturized, and also helps with stretch marks when applied regularly. Recent studies say that rosehip oil is great when it comes to preventing stretch marks.
Potato Mask
Things you need:
- 1 tbsp potato juice
- 1tbsp rose water
Mix both potato juice and rose water in equal amounts. Apply it with the help of cotton ball on the affected areas. Keep it overnight and wash it in the morning. Use it fresh; prepare a new fresh mask before every use.
Due to the starch content and bleaching properties of potato helps reducing the visibility of stretch marks when used regularly. Rose water helps hydrate and soften skin.
Body Oil
Things you need:
- Jojoba oil
- Hempseed oil
- Avocado oil
Mix all the three above mentioned oils in equal amount in a small cup as per your requirements. Store it in an easy-to-use bottle. Apply it regularly to see the best results. Apply it in the night and wash it in the next morning daily.
Jojoba oil is mainly helpful to treat pregnancy stretch marks since it restores the skin elasticity whereas hemp seed oil benefits the skin in numerous ways which works as an antioxidant, soothes dry and itchy skin, and improves the collagen production in skin due its regenerative properties.
Note: This body oil is mainly helpful for pregnancy stretch marks.
Rosehip Gel
Things you need:
- Rosehip oil
- Aloe vera gel
Mix together 4 tbsps of commercial aloe vera gel and 1 tablespoon of rosehip oil. Give it a good mix until well emulsified and massage the affected areas. Leave it overnight and wash it in the next morning. Make sure to use good brand of aloe vera gel and do not use the natural plant one since it doesn’t emulsify with the oil and would become to difficult to apply it on the skin.
Benefits :
Rosehip oil has anti-aging benefits and makes skin more elastic and moisturised. Can add few drops of vitamin E which helps in treating the stretch marks along with aloe vera gel since the enzymes and amino acids in it is helpful in treating and preventing the stretch marks all over the skin. This gel is also helpful in moisturizing the skin very well.
Castor Oil Remedy
Things you need:
- Castor oil
All you need to do is just warm the castor oil. Massage the castor oil on the stretch marks in circular motions before bedtime. Wash it off the next morning.
The first thing that happens with this remedy is the deep moisturization and doesn’t let the stretch mark dry out. It soothes dry and itchy skin and prevents stretch marks from progressing. With regular usage, it also helps lighten stretch marks to some extent thanks to essential fatty acids.
Coffee Mask
Things you need:
- Instant coffee powder
- Aloe vera gel
- Lavender oil
Mix 1 to 2 tsps instant coffee powder, 1 tbsp aloe vera gel and 4 drops of lavender oil. Make sure to use good brand of commercial aloe vera gel. Mix until well emulsified and store in an easy-to-use jar. Massage the same and wash it after 20 mins.
Lavender oil heals scars and improves the appearance of stretch marks. Coffee powder is best known for improving circulation and has mild exfoliating property thereby removing the dead cells which in turn helps with stretch marks. On the whole soothes dry skin too.
Vitamin E Cream
Things you need:
- 4 to 5 vitamin E capsules
- 1 tbsp Aloe vera gel
- 1 tsp Shea butter
Mix 1 tbsp of commercial aloe vera gel, 4 to 5 vitamin e capsules gel and half to 1 tsp of shea butter. Massage the cream on the affected areas. Apply this vitamin E cream every night to see the best results.
Helps with moisturization, aloe vera gel and shea butter helps with improving stretch marks appearance. Treats dry and flaky skin. nourishes, softens and makes skin plump and elastic.
Aloe Rub
Things you need:
- Aloe vera gel
Cut the natural aloe vera plant and remove all the latex on it. Now cut into two halves and give your skin a good massage. Let it stay for 20 to 45 mins. Rinse off and pat dry.
Aloe vera is the natural healing agent which helps in treating stretch marks. It has humectant properties that deeply hydrates and moisturises skin, keeping it elastic and soft.
Stretch Marks Lotion
Things you need:
- Olive oil
- Mango butter
Mix 1 tbsp of olive oil and half tbsp of mango butter. Apply this lotion morning and night. Follow this routine religiously to see the best results. You can make a bigger batch and store it in an air-tight jar.
Mango butter is rich in vitamin A and E. It is natural emollient that helps in cell regeneration and heals scars. Olive oil along with mango butter is great for stretch marks and has moisturization properties.
Tomato Massage
Things you need:
- Tomato slices
Cut one tomato into two halves and rub the slices over the affected areas for a few minutes. Let the residue dry. Wash it after 1 hour for best results.
Tomato which has natural bleaching properties helps even out skin tone, retexturize which improves the texture of the skin. Nourishes, hydrates and also helps lighten any pigmentation.
- Stretch mark doesn’t vanish overnight with the remedies you use.
- Consistency and patience is the key.
- If you are pregnant, consult your dermatologist before including these remedies in your routine.