Author: Namratha Gopal

One of the oldest spices i.e., Nigella (also known as Nigella Salvia scientifically and kalonji in Hindi) is a black, drop-shaped seed. It is traditionally used as a spice in Indian, Middle Eastern and North African cuisines. Nigella is from buttercup (Ranunculaceae) family with other thousands of spices of flowering plants. Nigella has an oregano-like taste with herbaceous notes, a slight bitterness and a warm, toasted onion flavor. Let’s see how Nigella Seeds are beneficial and how they can be incorporated in your diet and food recipes. Here we go-


Health benefits of nigella seeds

  • We all know that to what extent antioxidants are essential and that have a powerful effect on health and disease. Nigella seeds are packed with antioxidants that neutralize the harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative damage to cells.
  • Many studies have proved that supplementing with nigella could help in reducing both bad and LDL cholesterol.
  • There are in-vitro studies that have taken up to show that nigella has anti-cancer properties. However there’s no proper research that supports this.
  • Studies have proved that nigella is able to kill the bacteria and hence helps in bacteria causing infections and diseases since nigella has anti-bacterial properties.
  • Nigella may have powerful anti-inflammatory effects in the body. Nigella and its active components help reduce the inflammation.
  • Animal studies have shown that nigella protects liver from injury and damage. However there’s no proper research that supports this.
  • Relieves head ache, controls blood sugar levels and protect the stomach lining from ulcers.
  • They are easy to incorporate in your diet. As they are available in many forms such as oil, powders etc.

Nutritional values for 1/2 teaspoon (1.5g)

  • Dietary Fiber -0.5g
  • Fat – 0.25g 
  • Cholesterol – 0mg
  • Protein – 0g
  • Carbs – 0.75g
  •  Sodium – 1.5mg
  • Iron – 0.25g
  • Potassium – 25mg
  • Manganese – 5mg
  • Calcium – 15mg
  • Calories – 6 cal

Ways to use Nigella Seeds

  • Nigella seeds can be used for flavoring curries and lentil dishes and as well as used for stir fries.
  • You can sprinkle nigella seeds powder in your pancake, muffins and cake batters for aroma.
  • Nigella seeds can do wonders when ground with fenugreek seeds powder, ajwain powder. This mixture of powder can be added to the hot water during night time. This has numerous benefits especially improving the digestive health.
  • Adding equal quantities of nigella powder with fenugreek powder in coconut oil and infuse it for 12 hours for maximum benefits. Use this strained mixture as hair growth oil. This helps in hair growth.
  • Adding 1 tablespoon of kalonji oil with enough amount of coconut oil helps in adding the shine to hair and may help in premature graying.


  • Mixing little nigella powder with honey and giving a spot treatment on acnes helps fight against acne.
  • Get that glowing skin with nigella seeds – All you have to do is, mix 1 teaspoon of nigella seed powder with enough amount of raw milk. Apply this paste all over your face. This face mask is very helpful to get glowing and clear skin and removes impurities from the skin.
  • Anti-pigmentation nigella seeds face mask – Mix 1 tablespoon of nigella seeds powder and enough amount of rosewater to form the paste. Apply this paste all over your face and neck. This mask is very beneficial in dealing with pigmentation.
  • Treat your dry skin with nigella – Take a mixing bowl and add 2 tablespoon of nigella seeds powder, half teaspoon of honey and 1 of tablespoon of almond milk or almond oil. Give it a good mix and apply all over your face and neck. This mask is super effective to treat very dry and flaky skin.
  • Use it as a face scrub – Take a small mixing bowl and add 1 tablespoon of nigella seeds powder and enough amount of soaked fenugreek water to form the scrub. Scrub this mixture on your face to get even out skin texture.
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