Author: Namratha Gopal

Feeling very low with the confidence? Feeling shy or hurt in public? Worried about those tiny flakes constantly falling on your shoulders and your favorite dark colored-dress? We have all seen these kinds off typical ads on TV. Right? I want all of you to understand the reason behind dandruff and the ways to overcome rather asking you to try some counter-the-over products that claims to treat dandruff. Dandruff is something that affects most of the people or in an average 50% of the people. Let’s see how dandruff is caused and a super effective recipe for anti-dandruff scalp tonic that specifically targets dandruff-


Causes of Dandruff

Dandruff is caused when a fungus called Malassezia begins to grow on your scalp (this can result in severe dryness). However, there is another kind of dandruff that makes dandruff appear sticky and oily on your scalp. Here are some of the causes of dandruff.

  • Itchy scalp
  • Flakiness or dry skin
  • Greasy patches on the scalp
  • Tingling skin
  • Not shampooing enough
  • Poor hygiene – irregular brushing and hair washing
  • Sensitivity to hair care products – Contact dermatitis
  • Psoriasis and eczema
  • Stress and mental illness

Note – See your doctor when dandruff is severe.

Recipe for Anti-Dandruff Scalp Tonic 

Benefits of the ingredients used in the anti-dandruff tonic 

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which help in reducing the dandruff by balancing the scalp pH level, shedding dead skin cells from the scalp and curbing the growth of dandruff causing fungus on the scalp. This is one of the most effective ingredient that helps in getting rid of dandruff that also helps in treating various skin-infections and soothes itchy scalp.

Rose water

There’s no much of scientific studies on the rose water for hair but the medicinal and very beneficial properties of rosewater makes it a good choice for both skin and hair. Rose water is a mild astringent that helps in reducing oiliness on the scalp and treats dandruff. Rose water treats psoriasis and eczema as well due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It nourishes the hair and scalp by balancing the pH level. Also reduces itchiness.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil is known for treating dandruff due to its anti-fungal properties. It is used in many ways like in smothering lice, treating dandruff etc. It acts as a potent cleanser which helps in keeping the scalp clean from shedding down the dirt, extra oiliness, shedding down dry dead cells and keeps hair follicles strong.

READ MORE: Essential Oils for A Healthy Lifestyle >>>


 Things you need:

  • 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  •  1/3 cup of rose water 
  • Few drops of tea tree essential oil


Take a mixing bowl and add 1/3 cup of rose water and 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar. Give it a good mix and then add few drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix it really well and transfer the solution to the small pump bottle. Use it as scalp toner with the help of cotton ball applying all over the scalp. Keep it on for approx. 2 hours and wash it off with an anti-dandruff herbal shampoo. Can leave it overnight as well for best results.



  • Patch test is mandatory before you use this anti-dandruff scalp tonic and check if you are allergic to any of the ingredients used in the toner.
  • Use the freshly prepared toner as much as possible for maintaining the scalp health. 
  • Discard the usage in case you feel any irritation.
  • Do not expect instant results.
  • Maintain the consistency.
  • Use organic products/ ingredients for best results and to maintain the scalp health.
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