The year 2020 has taken a toll on everyone, thanks to the corona virus pandemic. Corona virus is not actually just a single virus but it is a family of respiratory viruses. COVID-19 is what we will be talking about in today’s article since it’s the Covid-19 pandemic that has taken a toll on everyone’s health this year. If you are covid positive and have mild symptoms, here are some natural ways to ease covid symptoms.

The most common Covid symptoms are tiredness, fever, sore throat and dry cough. The symptoms usually start appearing after 2 to 14 days of the exposure to the virus and it differs in its severity and depends from person to person. WHO says that most people who are infected with this virus experience very mild illness and usually recover but it can be severe to others and the risk increases the more your age is. Though, there is no vaccine or medicine yet for COVID-19, you can definitely make sure that you feel better and deal better with the mild Covid symptoms! Here is how you could ease Covid symptoms at home-
Cough is one of the most reported Covid symptoms and it is often accompanied with mucus and phlegm. You can have warm ginger tea to ease your cough and it also has great anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. To make ginger tea, simply simmer 1 tablespoon of ginger paste or mashed ginger in one cup of water for a few minutes. Strain and have this tea twice or thrice a day until you feel a little better. You can also have golden milk or turmeric milk. MORE: NATURAL COUGH AND COLD TONIC >>>
Sore Throat
Sore throat is another most common reported Covid symptom. A sore throat can make drinking water or even eating or swallowing super difficult and painful. To ease a sore throat, gargle with warm salt water few times a day. You can also have ginger tea mentioned above or simply add a teaspoon or so of cooking turmeric and one cup of warm water and sip on it slowly.
Muscle Pain
Muscle pain or body pain is often reported to be accompanied with sore throat and cough, just like a flu and muscle pain can definitely make you super uncomfortable. Application of ginger paste can work as a natural pain killer, apply this if you have any joint pain and let it sit for 30 minutes before you wipe it off. Also have some hot water bath or soak in a hot bath tub to relieve some muscle pain.
Dry Cough
To ease a dry cough or to improve the symptoms, have some ginger cough syrup. To make this ginger cough syrup, you need to infuse ginger and honey for a few days. You can have this syrup directly to ease your dry cough or add a tablespoon or so in warm water and drink it. Detailed recipe on this ginger cough syrup is right here >>>
To ease a headache naturally, you can add few drops of peppermint essential oil in commercial aloe vera gel and mix it really well until it emulsifies. Use this as a headache relief balm. Apply this on that temples of your forehead and massage it in for a few minutes. Do this before bedtime and after you wake up if you still have a headache. Simultaneously, you can also have ginger tea to improve the benefits.
Congested Nose
Nasal congestion or congested nose can give you sleepless nights and can keep you restless throughout the day. For nasal decongestion, you can use a Nettie pot. Alternatively, you can also inhale warm steam for 5 to 10 minutes. Also add few drops of eucalyptus essential oil on your handkerchief and sniff it throughout the day.
The best way to reduce fatigue is to drink enough water throughout the day and to get good sleep. Along with this, have electrolytes and lemonade. Add some turmeric to your regular lemonade to boost its effect.
If you have a fever, it is really important to stay in bed and take as much rest as you could. Also keep yourself hydrated and drink enough water. Take tepid bath and also do not forget to use cold compress until you start feeling a little better. Also have turmeric tea and ginger tea throughout the day.
4% of the Covid cases have reported diarrhea. If you have got diarrhea, drink enough water and also lemonade to boost your electrolytes. Have probiotic food like yogurt, buttermilk and also eat bananas.
- These remedies are not going to cure Covid 19, these are just some ways to to ease your Covid symptoms and feel better.
- If you have severe symptoms, kindly take professional help.