Author: Namratha Gopal

Just like our facial skin our neck also needs extra care since it is also exposed in the same way as that of our facial skin. So next time when you perform the skincare regimen for face, the same should be followed to the neck as well which is very important. There are ‘n’ number of home remedies for glowing skin out there but we often just apply them to face leaving neck which is why dark neck is the result. There are many reasons for neck darkening some lf them being pregnancy, friction, sun exposure, hormonal changes etc . When the neck turns dark, you may even notice the skin texture and when skin becoming slightly thick, here where we all need to become conscious. Dark neck can be serious underlying health issue and the same can be tested from doctor if you also feel other symptoms as well. So finding the cause and taking preventive measures becomes the essential part. Here is an amazing home remedy for dark neck lightening-




Licorice Powder

Licorice powder is known for its skin brightening properties. It has high levels of anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties due to which it’s been used in various skin brightening products and it is very helpful in reducing or fading dark spots. So the licorice powder is the main ingredient here that deals in acing the dark neck. It claims to remove excess melanin due to which it is helpful in skin lightening or brightening properties. Licorice contains flavonoid which is an anti-oxidant that helps in anti-aging and fades darkness.

Wild Turmeric Powder

Turmeric has ability to fade dark spots and lighten or even out the skin tone. It is even suitable for sensitive skin type. Turmeric has got its numerous benefits such as treating for age related dark spots and other pigmentation issues. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are immensely beneficial in treating acne and supports skin healing. Grateful to its antioxidant properties for combating skin damaging free-radicals. And is great for reducing fine lines and wrinkles due to its anti-aging effects.   


Glycerin is very helpful in repairing skin damage and retains moisture. Protects the skin from infections due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Glycerin helps removing the dead cells due to its mild exfoliating properties. It is even possible to lighten the discoloration that is caused due to various issues like acne, dark skin tone, scars, age spots etc. Glycerin even claims to act as barrier from harsh UV rays and even fights wrinkles. 



Things you need:

  • 2 tbsps licorice powder
  • 1 tsp wild turmeric powder
  • 2 tbsps glycerin (As per the consistency)


To make this dark neck lightening mask, all you need is 2 tbsps licorice powder, 1 tsp wild turmeric powder and 2 tbsps glycerin. Give a good mix and massage on the neck for good 5 mins and wash it after 30mins. Licorice powder is easily avaibale in all the online shopping markets.


  • Perform patch test before you use this mask and check if you are allergic to any of the ingredient used in this mask.
  • Use the freshly prepared mask as much as possible in order to maintain the skin health.
  • Discard the usage in case you feel any skin irritation.
  • Results aren’t visible if applied once. Maintain consistency to see the best results.
  • Use organic products/ ingredients for best results and to maintain the skin health.
  • Never forget to give a good massage on the neck since it helps with blood circulation thus faster is the results.
  • Do not expect the results in instants since not all the skin types responds to it quickly, some may take time. So patience is the key.
  • Apply the moisturizer after the wash.
  • Avoid heavy accessories at the time when taking care of dark neck since it can worsen by causing the rough friction.
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