Author: Mahee
Every body is perfect in their own way but getting a healthy and fit body is not only everyone’s choice but is also very good for us. With course of time when we continue eating junk food and don’t take care of other eating habits and lifestyle in an accurate manner our body starts gaining fat. The more amount of weight which is developed around the centre of our body is known as belly fat also called visceral fat. Fat is an essential part of healthy balanced diet which helps in absorbing vitamin A and many other vitamins but as said excess of everything is bad that’s how excess development of belly fat is very unhealthy. It’s a risk factor for many diseases like heart disease , diabetes and cancer. Everybody wants to get rid of this belly fat but doesn’t know the right way and diet which will help them in burning the belly fat. So, I am here with 10 great food items which are not only tasty and loaded with health benefits but also help you in burn belly fat .

Chicken is a rich source of protein with a small amount of fats in it and large water content. It also contains calcium and phosphorus. It provides a good amount of protein to our body which helps us to stay full for a longer period of time. Hence, this is the reason why chicken is considered a healthy diet and is suggested for fat burning process. You can eat chicken regularly; have it in your lunch, and dinner as it effects the body metabolism in a good way. You can also make some tasty chicken salad at home .
Nuts are actually dried seeds that have an inedible hard shell and a seed inside which is generally edible. They contain lipids ( fats) and proteins and are loaded with antioxidants. Nuts are a very good and inexpensive option for snacks. Nuts can help in reducing hunger and make you feel fuller for a long time which will help in reducing belly fat. You can use nuts regularly in the breakfast or as an evening snack ,you can also add it in your milk or shakes.
Ginger contain components like ZINGERONE and SHOGAOLS which helps in the process of burning body fat. It enhances the calorie burn process thus helps in reducing cholesterol level, blood pressure,blood sugar level etc. Loaded with antioxidant and acts as a appetite suppressant and also acts as a good source for burning belly fat. You can drink ginger water twice a day or add it in your lemonade, also you can chew raw slice of ginger.
Loaded with vitamin C, fibre and other vitamins, minerals and antioxidants lemon is a great ingredient for burning belly fat. It also helps in reducing the risk of heart disease and helps in curing digestive issues. Lemon promotes good digestion, detoxifying the body, boosts metabolism, keeps the body hydrated and fulfilled. Thus, helps in reducing the belly fat. You can use lemon juice in warm water in the morning and evening. You can also use it in salads and enjoy in the form of lemonade.
A great source of soluble fibre and powerful prebiotic food for healthy guts that aids weight loss. Contains dietary fibre, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, vitamin C and folic acid which makes onion a super food for burning belly fat. It also reduces cholesterol level and when eaten in raw form helps in quick burning of fat. You can use onion juice in warm water and drink it regularly. Also you can use raw onion in salads and can make delicious onion soup at home.
Many are mistakened by thinking that eating eggs can only help in gaining weight! Eggs are rich with vitamin D, B12, selenium, zinc and other minerals. Eggs contain essential amino acids in right ratio which helps in maintaining and boosting the metabolism and burning calories. Egg is a very nutritious food and helps in burning the belly fat. You can use boiled eggs in lunch and dinner time mixed with some vegetables.
Avocado contains vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin etc. It contains a lot of moisture and helps in appetite regulation because of the presence of fiber. It also helps in good heart health, reducing cholesterol level and boosting metabolism thus helps in reducing belly fat. You can use avocados in scrambled egg, in salad ,on toast and also as a substitute to mayo.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds contain fibre, protein, omega 3, magnesium and essential minerals, antioxidants which help in improving digestive health, improving blood levels, heart health and diabetes. Contain fiber which is linked in weight loss and protein which reduce appetite promoters. Hence, consuming chia seeds regularly soaked in water helps in reducing belly fat. You can also add in some fruits, lime or orange juice and can also make some pudding for breakfast .
Cayenne Pepper
A spicy pepper with antioxidants, vitamin A, vitamin C helps in increasing metabolism and improving upset stomach. Helps in burning calories as it is spicy and causes body temperature to rise and when the body cools down it results in burning of calories. Mixed with food or swallowed as a capsule helps in burning the belly fat. You can use it regularly but in a limited amount.
This wonder spice contains a large amount of antioxidants, anti inflammatory properties and medicinal properties which are helpful in achieving weight loss goal. Cinnamon speeds up metabolism and improve insulin function which altogether helps in weight loss. You can make cinnamon tea and have it regularly. Alternatively, you can also add lemon juice, ginger to make it little tasty.
- Make sure to avoid junk and perform moderate exercises to gradually burn belly fat.
- If you are pregnant or lactating, consult your doctor before incorporating any new foods in your routine.