The key to looking classy and sophisticated is to be well groomed at all times. Wrinkled clothes, dry hands, facial hair, loads of jewellery etc. can make you look a less sophisticated! First impression is the last impression and I feel this saying is absolutely true. It is really important to look well groomed at all times according to me especially if you go to office or want to represent yourself in front of many other people. You need not buy expensive clothes in order to look sophisticated, the key is to use the right minimal stuff that suit you. Below I have mentioned a few important things or ways to look well groomed and classy –

Hand Cream
How your hands look really show how sophisticated you are. Also, hands age faster and start showing signs of ageing so it is really important to use a hand cream at all times. Hand cream not only helps moisturize your hands but it also adds a beautiful glow making it look more youthful and beautiful. Dry hands are a strict no-no so make sure you have a hand cream in your handbag at all times and use it a few times a day or as required.
Chipped, bitten or unpainted shapeless nails can make you look like you don’t really take care for yourself. The key to sophistication and looking classy is to keep your nails well groomed and in proper shape at all times. Also, using a good nail polish can be a cherry on the cake. Go for regular manicures, get rid of that excess cuticle and keep them painted regularly. If you do not really like using bright nail polishes, using nude nail polishes or just going for nude gel nails can really add a spark of sophistication to your every day look.
Facial Shaving
Facial hair is a strict no-no! I know that facial hair is natural and one need not feel bad about it but an overgrown mustache or undone eyebrows can really change the way you look! Shave your face or wax it, whatever that suits you and also make sure that you remove excess eyebrow growth or just go for an eyebrow pencil to give them proper shape. If you have really minimal peach fuzz, you can go for facial bleaching as well. Do not bleach if you have sensitive skin or if you have excess facial hair because it will just make your face look weird in direct sunlight.
Minimal Jewellery
Using minimal and fine delicate jewellery can really change the way you look. Go for delicate neck pieces with smaller pendants, studded earrings, find bracelets and rings etc. Also, using rose gold or gold toned jewellery can give you a very sophisticated and classy look.
Ironed Clothes
Wearing wrinkled clothes can really make you look tacky and it is a strict no-no. Always make sure that you wear properly washed and ironed clothes. Wrinkle free clothes can really make you look very well groomed and classy.
Smell Good
It is always said that first impression is last impression and anyone you meet for the first time, is going to get a whiff of your scent for sure. Smelling good can really be a game changer so opt for long lasting fragrances. Also if you sweat and smell bad, it is going to put down the entire look even if you follow all the other tips mentioned here.
Thin Eye Liner
A thin liner can make your eyes look extremely beautiful without deliberately putting it out there, right on face! A negligible thin liner can give your eyes the much desired shape and depth and frame your face. A thin liner is always better than a thick one, giving a more sophisticated and classy look.
Frizz-Free Hair
Hair that is shiny, manageable and frizz-free gives you a more neater and well groomed look. Always use a hair serum or hairspray that tames your frizz and makes your hair look sleeker and more defined. Whether you tie a ponytail or leave your hair open, make sure you are using a hair serum to keep your hair looking neater and shinier.
The right posture can make you look confident and confidence is the key to looking classy and sophisticated. Always sit upright and straight and even when you walk, do not bend your back. Keep your neck higher and legs and back straighter. Even when you sit, do not keep your legs wide apart, instead keep them quite near and parallel. Even if you cross your legs, sit upright and do not bend your back.