If you are a chai lover, you probably already know the addiction! I personally really love masala chai and I have posted about it already, you can check out the recipe HERE. Another method of making a very flavorful and healthy chai is lemongrass chai. It not only helps build immunity but it also freshen up your senses and has many more health benefits. Here is the recipe on how you can make lemon grass chai or lemon grass milk tea –



  •  If you’re someone trying to lose weight, lemongrass can catalyze your weight loss process and control obesity.
  • If you are sick or have fever, lemon grass can help you recover sooner and make you feel a lot better.
  • It also helps cleanse harmful toxic wastes from the body, in short it detoxes.
  • Has antiseptic properties that helps you get rid of all the minor infections in the body.
  • It also helps boost metabolism and digestion. This makes you burn fat faster.
  • Also helps boost immunity and builds your body’s resistance mechanism. Keeps away common cold, cough, allergic reactions at bay and keeps you healthy.
  • Promotes skin health and keeps it clean and clear.
  • There are also a lot of research studies on this particular ingredient (lemon grass) showing some anti-cancer effects.
  • Also it works as a painkiller, helps reduce stress and maintains blood pressure.


Things you need-

  • 1/3 cup filtered water
  • ½ cup milk
  • Handful fresh or dried lemongrass leaves
  • Sugar as per taste
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 2-3 crushed cardamom
  • 1-2 tablespoons black tea


To make this tea, pour water in a saucepan and put it on medium flame. Now, add in dried lemon grass, cinnamon powder and cardamom. Add in black tea and sugar and let it simmer for a few minutes. Now pour in milk and let it come to a boil. Strain this tea into a serving cup and sip on it while it is still hot. You can also have cookies and tea cakes with this.


  • Feel free to add in spices like cloves, pepper, ginger etc. for added benefits and flavor.
  • You can use any milk substitute instead of dairy milk like almond milk, cashew milk, oats milk etc.
  • Substitute for refined sugar would be honey, stevia, jaggery and dates.
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