I am sure many of you are aware of antioxidants and their importance in food and skin care. People these days look out for antioxidant rich skin care products but it is also important to incorporate antioxidant rich foods in your daily diet. Now, why do you need antioxidants? How are they helpful and why do we need to consume them? Keep reading to know about it and I have also compiled top 10 antioxidant rich foods –

You might have already heard that free radicals can cause damage internally and we need to neutralize them. Free radicals can contribute to inflammation of joints, damage to nerve cells, accelerate your ageing process, cause damage to DNA and cells etc. In short, free radicals are something you do not want and to neutralize them, you need antioxidants.
Now, what antioxidants do is scavenging free radicals from the body and prevent the damage caused due to oxidation process. This is why you need to incorporate antioxidants in your skincare products and also in your daily diet. Below I have listed top 10 foods that are rich in antioxidants like catechins, beta-carotene, anthocyanins, lycopene etc. Even foods that are a good source of vitamin A, C, E, zinc and polyphenols etc. should be incorporated in your diet as they are a type of antioxidants too.
Blueberries are not only yummy but they are also quite well known for its antioxidants. They contain antocyanins that are a type of anti-oxidant. Blueberries also help to reduce blood glucose levels and it also improves your night vision. Have it directly or with Greek yogurt. You can also add blueberries to your regular smoothies and desserts.
Blackberries too contain antocyanins just like blueberries and this specific antioxidant gives it that deep blue beautiful color. They are also rich in vitamin C and fiber. They also are low in sodium and contain high amount of bioflavonoids. You can add blackberries to your regular shakes and smoothies just like blueberries.
We all know how beneficial artichokes are for our digestive system and it is also quite known for its high fiber content. Did you know that they are also rich in vitamin C and folate? Artichokes contain two types of antioxidants called as cynarin and silymarin. You can have them grilled or steamed. Add it to your salads too.
It is researched and proved that dried prunes which are nothing but dried black plums have way more antioxidants than fresh black plums. They are rich in fiber and antioxidants and is great for both physical and mental health. Prunes also help with high cholesterol levels. Add it to your smoothies, salads, gravies etc.
Dark Chocolate
I am sure we all know how dark chocolate has good amount of anti-oxidants and at least once you might have used that as an excuse to eat chocolate. Dark chocolate has even more anti-oxidants than blueberries and raspberries when consumed in the same serving size respectively. Dark chocolate helps reduce inflammation in the body and also regulates blood pressure. You can have unsweetened dark chocolate directly or use it in your smoothies, shakes and desserts.
Pecans are one of my favorite nuts and they are a good source of minerals and healthy fats. Little did I know that pecans also are high in antioxidants and that gives me an even better reason to consume them. they help raise oxidants in the blood and it also helps reduce oxidized LDL cholesterol. Have pecans directly or add them in your salads, shakes, cakes or smoothies.
Kale is one such vegetable that I absolutely do not like but I do incorporate this in my smoothies and salads because it is rich in vitamins A and C. Did you know that it is also rich in antioxidants? It contains antocyanins as well as many other types of anti oxidants that give this veggie a bright green colour. Kale is also a great source of calcium and minerals. Add it to your salads and smoothies.
Goji Berries
Goji berries are rich in antioxidants and they are also super effective in raising blood antioxidant levels. They are called as super foods because they are super nutritious and rich in vitamins and minerals as well. You can have a goiji berries drink by simply blending it with milk.
Spinach is rich in fiber and it is quite well known for its low carbohydrate and high fiber content. Did you know that spinach is also a great source of antioxidants? It contains lutein and zeaxanthin which are two types of anti-oxidants. Spinach is great for your eyes and this specific antioxidant that it contains help defend the eye from free radicals. You can add fresh spinach to your smoothies and shakes. One of the easiest way to have spinach is in the form of soup or salads.
Beetroots are rich in anti oxidants called as betains that give it a bright reddish color. It is also a good source of potassium, folate, iron and fiber apart from just being a good source of antioxidants. It lowers the risk of cancer and is also great for your digestive tract. Have it raw or add it in your soups, salads, shakes etc.