Hair that is super thick, long and reflects light, looks and feels healthy is ideally called as healthy hair. Nowadays, factors like lifestyle changes, stress, pollution, using excessive heat tools and products etc. causes hair fall and roughness and also makes your hair tough to manage. It is really important to pay attention to your hair just as you pay attention to your facial skin and body. A lot of us are blessed with healthy hair but one needs to take efforts to maintain what they have got. If you have thin hair and suffer from hair fall and other hair problems or if you have already damaged your hair by using heat and chemical treatments, here are my tips to get healthy hair faster –    



Eat Right

The very first thing one needs to make sure about staying fit and keeping your skin and hair healthy is eating a well-balanced diet. Whatever you put inside your tummy shows up on your face and on your hair health. Even if you drastically change your diet, it is going to show up in the form of hair fall and this is really common. Always make sure you are eating a well-balanced diet or if you are on a restricted Diet, always make sure you are taking your multivitamins. Consume food that is rich in folic, calcium, protein and essential fatty acids.         

Stay Away From Heat And Chemicals

Nowadays we often indulge in a good hair-styling session which often includes using heat styling tools and styling products. This can not only cause product buildup but also damage the protein layer on your hair and make your hair super frizzy and dry. This in a long run can also cause severe hair fall. This isn’t something you want so make sure you stay away from heat and chemicals as much as you could. As an alternative, you can try out hair-styling methods that do not involve heat like sock curls, overnight cocoon curls etc. If you think you have product buildup on the scalp and hair by using excessive styling products, indulge in our hair and scalp detox routine once or twice a week. To detox your scalp and hair, you can use bentonite clay mixed with apple cider vinegar as a scalp and hair mask for 5 to 10 minutes before using a shampoo.

Use Natural Remedies & Good Quality Products

It is really important that you use only good quality hair care products that suit your scalp and hair type. Also, I absolutely love using natural hair mask and hair treatments that are completely chemical free and super effective. If you have dry frizzy hair, try out avocado pulp blended with coconut oil or coconut cream and use it as a two hour hair mask. You can also use banana mixed with honey as a hair mask. My personal favorite of all is avocado and egg mask! Simply blend together and apply. If you find your hair extra frizzy and dry after shampooing, Go for SLS free shampoos and also use moisturizing hair masks.    


Drink Enough Water

I don’t know how much to stress on this one thing! You have to drink enough water and stay hydrated at all times. Not only does it keep your hair in top condition, but it also keeps you super healthy and keep your skin clear. It is often told to drink eight glasses of water but only drink as much as you could and don’t go overboard with it!       

Nourish Your Hair

It is really important to give your hair some tender loving care and nourishment at least once a week or once in every two weeks. Using hot oil treatments are a great way to give your hair much-needed nourishent. All you can do is warm up your favorite hair oil or a blend of oils and apply it on your scalp and hair. I would recommend using coconut oil mixed with equal quantities of castor oil and use it to massage your scalp and hair and shampoo after 2 to 3 hours. You can also use it as an overnight treatment. Using Scalp mists are also great way to keep your scalp nourished, you can use green tea or diluted apple cider vinegar as a scalp mist after every hair wash.     

Scalp Massage

Massaging your scalp boosts circulation and stimulates your hair follicles. This makes your hair grow longer and thicker and also reduces hair fall and hair shedding. You can use any of your favorite hair oil to massage your scalp for at least 30 minutes. A scalp massaging tool can work great!

Take Your Vitamins

In this lifestyle of eating junk, we often tend to miss out on essential vitamins and nutrients in our diet. Nowadays it has become mandatory to include multivitamins and omega oil capsules in your diet. If you are on a restricted diet, then you have to take vitamins and fish oil. If you workout regularly, take your supplements accordingly.

Satin Pillow Case

Do you ever notice hair on your pillow when you wake up in the morning? It is because the frequent tossing and turning at night causes a strain on your hair follicles and you end up losing your precious head on the pillow. Using a satin pillow case prevents friction and also reduces static keeping your hair soft and healthy. Satin pillow cases are also great for your skin.

General Habits

One basic habit you need to have is regular trimming every six months to prevent split ends and keep your hair thicker. Always read labels on the hair care products that you buy and stay away from SLS and silicone laden products. Also, keep in mind to not comb your hair while it is wet. Finger combing is always the best idea. Use essential oils or your favorite good quality serum on towel dried hair to keep it frizz-free and hydrated.

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