Author: Namratha Gopal

Who doesn’t crave thick, lustrous, smooth and silky tresses? Ever wondered you can all prepare conditioner at your home easily? The soft, smooth and creamy texture of the conditioner improves the overall health of the hair and scalp and helps you keep track on those flyaways! Let’s check out the recipe for seed conditioner for hair growth and shine without much delay! This homemade conditioner it is totally free from harsh chemicals. Get ready to flaunt with lustrous and shiny tresses. Here we go-


Recipe for seed conditioner for hair growth and shine

Benefits of the ingredients used in the seed conditioner for hair growth

Kalonji seeds

Kalonji seeds or nigella seeds has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants that are all essential nutrients for promoting hair growth and reduces premature graying. It has omega 3 fatty acids that help in increasing blood circulation. On a regular usage of kalonji seeds, it helps your make hair shiny, healthy, soft and hydrated with consistency. READ MORE- NIGELLA SEEDS- BENEFITS AND USES >>>

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seeds are rich in iron and protein which are two essential nutrients in promoting hair growth. They are high in nicotinic acid content which is beneficial in fighting against hair fall and dandruff. In short fenugreek seeds can be called as storehouse of minerals since it has folic acid, Vitamin A, K and C which are beneficial in reducing hair fall. It hydrates and moisturizes the scalp. And it helps in strengthening hair follicles.

Ajwain seeds

Ajwain seeds also called as carom seeds has compound called p-cymene which works against bacteria and parasitic micro-organisms which is very beneficial in getting rid of dandruff, keeps scalp healthy and clean. Carom seeds also help in treating premature graying. On the whole helps in treating hair fall as well.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is known to soothe scalp and relieves itchy scalp. It treats dry and frizzy hair. It helps in getting rid of dandruff and unblocks hair follicles that may block excess oil. Aloe vera is the best remedy and an easiest way to incorporate in haircare routine which is very beneficial for treating baldness and promotes hair growth.

Rosemary oil

Rosemary oil promotes hair growth that comes from the basic benefits of it. It is said to have anti-inflammatory properties, promote nerve growth and improves blood circulation. As a result, it is capable of preventing hair follicles from being starved of blood supply and dying off that was leading to hair thinning and hair loss. Beyond stimulating hair growth, rosemary essential oil is used to prevent premature hair graying, dandruff and helps in treating an itchy scalp. READ MORE- Essential Oils for A Healthy Lifestyle >>>


Things you need:

  • Kalonji seeds
  • Fenugreek seeds
  •  Carom / Ajwain seeds
  • Commercial aloe vera gel
  •  Rosemary essential oil


To prepare this seed conditioner, all you need to do is, Take a small bowl and add equal quantities of kalonji seeds, carom seeds and fenugreek seeds. Pour some water in order to soak them overnight. Strain the water in the morning and add some commercial aloe vera gel in order to make a gel or paste consistency, now add few drops of rosemary essential oil. Give it a good mix. Apply this conditioner after the hair wash and can be applied to the scalp as well. Use it as a regular conditioner in your hair care routine.


  • Patch test is mandatory before you use this seed conditioner and check if it works for your hair.
  • Use the fresh solution as much as possible.
  • Discard the usage in case you feel any scalp irritation. 
  • Do not expect instant results.
  • Use organic products/ ingredients for best results and to maintain the scalp health.
  • Can adjust the quantity required as per the hair length.
  • Hair growth doesn’t happen overnight. Hence maintain consistency to see the best results.
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