Author: Namratha Gopal

Spending time outdoors for long time leaves your skin damaged and may cause sensitivity due to the harsh effects of the sun rays. Whether you are at beach or in office working hours or you stay at home, it is very essential to protect your skin with the right sunscreen. Now the question arises that what do you mean by right sunscreen? If you are in dilemma as to which and what sunscreens to use and how, you are at the right place. Here’s everything you need to know about Physical and chemical sunscreens –

To begin with, there are two types of sunscreens i.e., Physical sunscreens and the other one is Chemical sunscreens. Let’s see what are they and their key differences and by the end of the article you would be able decide by yourselves in selecting the right sunscreen for you!!



What is Physical sunscreen??

Physical sunscreens are also called as mineral / natural sunscreens and gives protection externally.

  • Physical sunscreens are the one that contain main active ingredients such as titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxides. 
  • They work by sitting on top of the skin to deflect and scatter damaging UV rays away from the skin.
  • Protects the skin from both UVA and UVB rays from the sun.
  • They work as soon as you apply on the skin.
  • They do not clog pores and can be called as less likely to clog pores.
  • You will have to re-apply often.
  • They block a wide range of UV wavelengths and they are photo-stable which means won’t be degraded as soon as the sun hits it.
  • Many of the physical sunscreens may feel heavy, leave a white cast and you are likely to sweat often.
  • Do note that newer brands out there are trying to give us the matte-finish look and easy-to-apply physical sunscreens.
  • Less irritating and is an amazing option for sensitive skin people.
  • Zinc oxide provides thorough protection compared to titanium dioxide.  
  • Works very well in all the seasons.
  • Can replace chemical sunscreens in summer since it causes redness and irritation due to the lot of heat it produces during summer.   
  • They have a longer shelf-life.

READ MORE: Remedies for summer skin problems >>>

What is Chemical sunscreen??

Chemical sunscreens are also called as organic/carbon based sunscreens and gives protection internally.

  • Chemical sunscreens are the one that contain organic or carbon based compounds and the active ingredients here are avobenzone, octinoxate, benzophenones, methoxycinnamate, para–aminobenzoicacid (PARA) and oxybenzone. 
  • They work by converting the UV rays into heat and then release the heat from the skin.
  • Chemical sunscreen consists of both UVA and UVB blockers. UVB filters cover the entire spectrum of UVB radiation whereas UVA do not cover the entire spectrum. 
  • They start working after 15 to 20 minutes from the time of application.
  • Causes acnes in sensitive and acne-prone skin people. 
  • Re-application of chemical sunscreens can be pretty much reduced.
  • Chemicals in sunscreen do not fully block UVA and UVB filters.
  • Chemical sunscreens are likely to be thinner and therefore spread more easily on the skin making it very easy for daily usage. 
  • Chemical sunscreen comes in lotion kind of textures and gets absorbed more quickly.
  • It is more likely to cause irritation and redness and isn’t recommended to acne prone skin and sensitive skin people at all.
  • Oxybenzone and octinoxate have been shown the negative impacts on the coral reefs and it is said to prohibit in some countries since it is proved to as highly toxic.
  • Oxybenzone is likely to cause allergies, hormonal imbalance and cell damage whereas the avobenzone becomes reactive when exposed to sunlight and causes free-radical damage to DNA when absorbed.
  • It is very irritating to use chemical sunscreens during summer due to the heat it produces.
  • Nowadays many of the chemical sunscreens are coming with the physical blocks which leave a little residue, the shelf life is said to shift slightly from that of the mentioned on it. 

Things to consider when choosing between Physical and Chemical sunscreens

Whether you choose physical or chemical sunscreen, there are some essential things that need to be considered while choosing one-

  • Silicone-free
  • Fragrance-free 
  • Oil-free
  • Non-comedogenic (that won’t clog pores)
  • Broad spectrum (that blocks both UVA and UVB)
  • SPF of at least 30


Whether you choose a chemical sunscreen or physical sunscreen, it’s completely up to you of how well you carry your skin outdoors, how often you reapply them and as per your skin type. Wearing at least SPF (Sun Protection Factor) – 30 is very necessary and it is what all the dermatologists recommend.

All the points that includes pros and cons is been mentioned above for both physical and chemical sunscreens. But let me draw a quick map of both, so that it becomes your biggest take away from this article.

Physical sunscreens

  • They tend to be less irritating and is a better fit to all the skin types.
  • Provides more moisturizing effect and better hydration.
  • May feel heavy on the skin and takes quite a little time to spread evenly over the skin without leaving white cast.
  • But there are new brands that have less of white cast and give a skin smoother and even appearance.

Chemical sunscreens

  • They become a better option when you are swimming and need a water-resistant formulation.
  • And if you are playing sports and sweat a lot during the day.
  • And finally if you are in need of a sunscreen that won’t take much of your time to blend into the skin.

Takeaway- So by considering all the pros and cons of physical and chemical sunscreens is that Physical sunscreens are the safest ones to use without giving the second thought and is most widely accepted fact by many dermatologists worldwide.

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