Author: Namratha Gopal
Drinking water can be helpful for weight loss. We all might have heard about this quite often and everywhere else right? Yes, this article is for all fitness freaks, those who are following healthy diet and yes of course to those who are dependent on the only key i.e., hitting hydration point to lose weight. But the question arises as to how drinking water helps in weight loss?!! Because water is 100% calorie-free, helps you burn more calories and suppress appetite. But just the way drinking more water will not help you out to lose weight, it has to be done in a certain method and that’s where Japanese water therapy comes into picture. So let’s see what really Japanese water therapy is in this article. Let’s begin-

What is Japanese water therapy??
It’s very important to understand drinking the water in a right way is the key to lose weight and to achieve all the health benefits. Japanese water therapy is a practice of drinking several glasses of room-temperature water first thing in the morning. This helps in cleaning your stomach by flushing out the toxins and boosting healthy digestive system. This also encourages maintain the strict eating windows with long breaks between meals and snacks.
Steps to follow in Japanese water therapy
The therapy includes the following that should be repeated daily:
1. Drink four to six (160ml of glass) glasses of room-temperature or lukewarm water as the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Brush your teeth and wait for 45mins before eating breakfast.
2. After having any meal of the day, avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 2 hours.
3. Those who are beginners to this therapy can start with the sustainable amount of water like 2 glasses and then can increase the number of glasses every day.
4. Drinking all the glasses of water at one go or continuously is really not advisable. Hence waiting for couple of minutes to give stomach a break makes sense and is a good idea.
5. The above two mentioned points (3 and 4) is also applicable to elders and to those who are suffering from sort of serious health condition.
It is believed that Japanese water therapy helps to cure diseases and stay fit and healthy. Some studies have proven that if this water therapy is continuously followed for some number of days; say 30 days for high blood pressure, 10 days for constipation and 180 days for cancer. It helps to achieve best results which keeps body healthier and active.
Benefits of the therapy
1. Since the therapy includes several glasses of water in a day, it keeps you adequately hydrated.
2. Adequate hydration includes optimal brain function, sustainable energy levels, body temperature and blood pressure regulation.
3. Drinking more water may help prevent constipation, headache and kidney stones.
4. Since the eating window is for 15mins and after which you don’t eat again for 2 hours may restrict calorie intake.
5. It makes sure to make you feel full. Hence restricting you from over-eating.
6. The therapy helps you get the improved gut health and healthy digestive system.
7. Makes sure you are energetic throughout the day and kick starts your metabolism.
- Make sure you don’t over drink water which might result in over-hydration or water intoxication that occurs when you drink large amount of water in short period of time.
- You can add lemon for taste but avoid it in winter season as it might cause cold and gums-ache.
- Cut back on sugars and switch to organic jaggery powders.
- Have more of sauted vegetables and fruits.
- Follow the Japanese’s therapy procedure and make it as a routine.
- Anything in moderation is always safe 🙂