Author: Namratha Gopal

Salt is an essential nutrient that is required for many biological processes that has seasoned in our foods for thousands of years. However, there are few disadvantages for human health. Consuming too much of salt can cause high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease which is why it has to be used in moderation. For this reason, Himalayan pink salt is emerged as a healthier alternative to the regular salt which is less stressful for the body to consume. This pink-hued variety of salt is sourced near the Himalayan Mountains of South Asia. Technically, Himalayan salt is pink salt. Let’s see how they are beneficial to us. Here we go-

Benefits of Himalayan pink salt – are these health claims true?

There is no scientific evidence at present to show that pink Himalayan salt provides more health benefits than regular table salt. However, many people claim that pink salt contain more minerals than regular salt lacks. 

Some of the most common Himalayan pink salt’s promotes health claims is as below:

  • Improved respiratory health
  • Balance body’s pH   
  • Prevention of dehydration
  • Skincare benefits
  • Reduces signs of aging
  • Increase libido
  • Regulate blood sugar
  • Improve sleep quality
  • Helps in weight-loss

But some of these health claims are actually just normal functions of sodium chloride in the body – which you would get from any kind of salt.

For example, researchers have found that very low salt diets would disturb the sleep cycle. So this suggests that an adequate amount of salt is necessary for a good quality sleep. 

The minerals found in pink salt are not present in large quantities to have that effect on our body’s pH level. However that does not make any difference in our diet too.

Similarly, there is no research that supports the health benefits of pink Himalayan salt and regular table salt. If research did exist, it is unlikely to find any differences in their health effects. 


We do see a lot of people being confused as to which kind of salt to use by these misguided claims.

Do remember there are no studies that support the health benefits of Himalayan salt over regular table salt.

However, if you are really fine with the additives in regular table salt, you can continue using them. You can use Himalayan salt if you are likely to avoid additives in regular table salt.

Table salt is a major dietary source of iodine, so if you are using Himalayan pink salt, make sure to compensate iodine from the foods like seaweed, dairy products and fish to help from iodine deficiencies. 

Replacing table salt with pink salt may help reduce the intake of sodium but as with any other salt, be sure to use it in moderation.

Nutritional value of Himalayan pink salt

Pink Himalayan salt is chemically similar to that of regular salt. Pink salt contains up to 98% of sodium chloride and rest of it consists of trace of minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium which give the salt a light pink tint. And it is said that Himalayan pink salt is said to have 84 other minerals and trace elements.

1 teaspoon (4g) of any salt contains around 2300mg of sodium while 1 teaspoon of coarse salt depending upon the crystal size would contain 2000mg of sodium. Furthermore, Himalayan pink salt contains slightly less sodium chloride than regular salt which may need to account for when cooking. 

Below is the nutritional value of Himalayan pink salt per gram

  • Calcium – 1.6mg
  • Potassium – 2.8mg
  • Magnesium – 1.06mg
  • Iron – 0.0369mg
  • Sodium – 368mg

Ways to use pink Himalayan salt

1. Himalayan pink salt can be used as the way regular table salt is used in cooking. 

2. It can be added to the sauces, marinades and use at your dinner table.

3. Use it as a cooking surface.

4. Soak your feet in it – pink salt helps to retain skin moisture which makes it an ideal ingredient for a spa-like soak.

5. Soothe a sore throat – Gargle salt water to soothe a sore throat. Although it doesn’t provide immediate relief, salt water helps to kill bacteria, loosen mucus, and ease pain.

6. Sip this concoction before going to bed for good quality sleep – So all you need to do is, mix the 5 teaspoons of raw honey and 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan salt. Give it a good mix and store it in small bottle. Just put this mixture under your tongue before going to bed. This works to increase body’s serotonin while decreasing the stress hormone known as cartisol which makes you feel well-rested in the morning.

7. Feel relaxed and get rid of migraine – Take 1/4th cup of warm water, add 2 teaspoons of pink salt, and squeeze in some lemon juice for taste. Drink this mixture on an empty stomach. This relieves from migraine and you start feeling bowel movements after drinking this saltwater mixture.

8. Rinse your mouth with Himalayan salt – Mix half teaspoon of pink salt with 1 cup of water. Once the salt is dissolved swish this mixture into mouth and gargle for 30 seconds for getting rid of bad breathe.

9. Scrub your foot with pink salt – Mix 5 tablespoons of pink salt, 10 tablespoons of coconut oil and can add few drops of your favorite essential oils. Scrub your foot to get rid of corns and calluses.


10. Head scrub with pink salt – Detangle your hair and sprinkle some pink salt over your scalp and massage your scalp with wet fingers for 15 mins. Wash your hair and condition it. Do this to get rid of oily scalp and to remove dead skin.

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