Dealing with acne is no joke especially if it is hormonal or if you have severely oily and problematic skin. Acne if not healed completely can often leave behind scars and dark spots and that is something we don’t really like! Acne can also take a toll on your confidence level. It is really important to make sure that your acne or breakout heals completely to prevent dark spots and scarring that can further give you textured skin. Spot treatments are an amazing way to spot treat your acne and these are mostly overnight treatments. You will get a lot of spot treatment products commercially but here I have a DIY acne spot treatment recipe that is super effective and these ingredients have been researched and studied to have great anti-acne properties!



Aloe Vera Gel- Aloe vera gel has hydrating and anti-inflammatory properties. It keeps your skin soft and inhibits acne causing bacteria and fungus. Aloe vera gel calms down any inflammation and redness and helps heal acne faster. It prevents scarring and dark spots that are often left behind by acne. It keeps your skin super clear and also helps unclog pores. Commercial aloe vera gel works in this recipe because it emulsifies with other ingredients used and it also gives a good gel base in this recipe.

Jojoba Oil- Jojoba oil is studied to have skin clarifying and purifying properties. It has anti microbial and anti-inflammatory effects that keeps your skin clear and flawless and also moisturizes. It also helps heal dryness and skin peeling associated with healing acne. Keeps your skin soft, nourished and super moisturized and is great for all skin types.

Cinnamon- Cinnamon when used correctly can help prevent future breakouts and also help treat active acne. Cinnamon has great anti microbial and anti-inflammatory properties that helps unclog skin pores, inhibit acne causing microbes and keep your skin clear and flawless.



Things you need:

  • 2 tablespoons of commercial aloe vera gel
  • 2 pinches of cinnamon powder
  • 4 to 5 drops of jojoba essential/carrier oil


To make this DIY acne spot treatment, you need to get hold of commercial yet organic aloe vera gel. Fresh aloe gel is not going to work in this recipe because it will not emulsify with other ingredients and it will have a very short lifespan. In a bowl, take 2 tablespoons of commercial aloe vera gel and add in jojoba essential oil and cinnamon powder. Mix it really well until it is all homogeneous and well emulsified and transfer to an easy to use jar. Using a clean and sterile Q tip, apply this gel on active acne at night before going to sleep. Wash it off the next morning.

diy acne spot treatment


  • always patch test before using to check whether you are allergic to any of the ingredients used.
  • Remedies or products do not show instant results, you have to stick to a routine for a longer period to see any effect.
  • Everyone reacts differently to different DIYs and products. What works for me may or may not work for you.
  • Do your own research before using any remedy or product. Take this as a general information.
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