Author: Namratha Gopal

Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds from the flowering plant Salvia hispanica from mint family. Many people think chia seeds as basil seeds but they both are different. They are oval in shape with gray and black colored spots in it. In recent years, chia seeds have gained huge popularity due to its amazing benefits which I will be walking you all through now. Keep reading to know its benefits and uses –



Chia seeds are among the healthiest food since they are loaded with nutrients that benefits body and brain. Here I list their benefits in the following points: 

1. Chia seeds provide insoluble fiber which means it keeps you fuller for long time and thus helps in your weight loss journey. 

2. They also help in preventing constipation since they take gel-like consistency when they absorb water which bulks up stool and ease constipation.

3. They deliver healthy fats, protein and cell-protecting anti-oxidants.

4. Rich in a good source of minerals such as:  calcium, zinc, iron, copper, manganese and magnesium.

5. When used by people with Type-2 Diabetes in their diet help in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and helps in good lipid and glucose control. Hence helps in controlling the blood sugar level.


6. Some research says, chia seeds have more omega-3 fatty acids compared to flax seeds. Omega-3 fatty acid reduces the risk of coronary disease and improves cholesterol levels.

7. They have longer shelf life compared to flax seeds and rich in antioxidants.

8. Almost all the carbohydrates in chia seeds are fiber. This gives it an ability to absorb 10 to 12 times of their weight in the water. Since its rich in fiber, these seeds aids in weight loss.

9. Since these seeds are high in quality protein which is much greater than those of plant-based foods. Protein is the most weight-loss friendly macronutrients which can reduce appetite and cravings.

10. Chia seeds are high in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. All of these nutrients are essential for bone health.

11. Most importantly they are easy to incorporate in diet and as well as in beauty recipes.

Nutritional values of chia seeds – for usage of 2 tablespoons (one ounce)

  • Fiber -11grams
  • Protein – 4 grams
  • Fat – 9 grams (5 of which omega-3 fatty acids)
  • Additionally they contain a decent amount of zinc, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B2 and potassium.
  • 64% more potassium than banana
  • 2 times the antioxidants of blueberries
  • 41% of your daily fiber
  • 32% of your daily magnesium
  • 3 times more iron than spinach
  • More omega-3 fatty acids than salmon
  • 5 times more calcium than milk
  • 20% protein
  • Overall it equals 101 calories.



Chia water

One of the simplest ways is to add them in water and have it. If you are on a diet and enjoy your weight loss journey, then add chia seeds to your water 30 minutes in prior and have it which helps you feel full.

Chia in juice, smoothies and puddings 

Add to your favorite fruit juice, smoothies and puddings and make sure soak them for 30 minutes. Take in moderation as fruit juice can contain a lot of sugars.

Chia in baking and salads

Add chia seeds to your salads and can also be used for baking. You can add some to the cake mix and bake it. It’s super healthy and adds flavor. Cakes are usually high in fat and sugar although chia seeds improve its nutritional profiles.

Substitutes  egg

If you don’t like eggs or are a vegetarian, then need not worry. Chia seeds substitutes so all that you can do is soak 1 tablespoon of chia seeds in 3 tablespoon of water. 

Note: And the list goes on! These tiny beautiful seeds are versatile ingredient and can be used in numerous food recipes which are a boost of protein, carbohydrates and fibre.

Beauty Recipes

Chia seeds are packed with omega-3 fatty acid which helps in replenishing the lost moisture from the skin, boosts collagen and elastin level thus repairing the damaged skin cells. It forms a protective shield against damaging free radicals, draws out impurities from the skin and leaves skin clear and glowing. It hydrates and moisturizes the skin at its best.

Chia for spotless glowing skin

Take a small bowl and add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and add in some raw milk that immerses the chia seeds and leave it for 1 hour. Now add them into the blender and blend it to smooth. Now add 1 tablespoon of honey and give it a good mix. Leave this mask on for 20 to 25 mins on the face and allow it to dry. 

Revitalise your dull and damaged skin with chia

Take a small bowl and add 1 tablespoon of chia seeds and add some water. Soak it for 1 hour. Now strain the chia water and add honey to it. Apply this mixture on the face with the help of cotton. Can add olive oil if your skin is ultra dry and sensitive. Wash it after 20 mins. Chia helps in getting rid of blemishes, improves the blood circulation and leaves your skin with a radiant glow.

Hair growth, damaged and frizzy hair

Take a mixing bowl and add 2 teaspoon of soaked chia seeds, half mashed banana and half egg white to it and blend it to smooth. Apply this mask all over your hair and scalp and wash it after 1 hour with a mild shampoo. This mask is super natural and effective home remedy for hair growth, getting rid of dry, damaged and frizzy hair.

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