We are all born with flawless baby soft skin, but as we age and with time, skin can become really dull and tanned. If you are on the lookout for a natural recipe to even out your skin tone and make it look more radiant and fresh, you are at the right place. Here we have a recipe for DIY brightening tonic water that not only nourishes your skin but also evens out your skin tone and makes your skin super smooth. Without much ado, let’s begin with the recipe –

BRIGHTENING TONIC- Get Even Toned, Smooth Skin

Recipe for Brightening Tonic Water

Benefits of the ingredients used in brightening tonic water recipe

Fenugreek powder

Fenugreek seeds have a lot of skin benefits like toning, exfoliating, moisturising, adding skin glow etc. It has vitamin C in it that helps Brighten and lighten any dark spots and give you a beautiful glow. It also helps reduce blemishes and dark circles.

Wild turmeric powder 

Wild turmeric powder is different than what you really use in the kitchen for cooking. It is specifically used in beauty recipes and for skincare but has a quite similar skincare benefits as regular turmeric. It has skin healing properties and also antimicrobial and brightening. Keep your skin super healthy and adds a radiant glow.

Red sandalwood powder

Red sandalwood is quite known for its skincare benefits. It helps in combating acne problems, has exfoliating properties, reduces shine and excess oil on the skin and also is a great cooling skincare ingredient. It also helps remove any pigmentation and tanning.

Rose Water

Rose water is widely used in a lot of commercial and home-made beauty recipes. It helps maintain pH balance, cures acne and blemishes, tones your skin, hydrates, reduces puffiness and also suits sensitive skin. It helps soothe any skin inflammation due to its anti-inflammatory properties and also works for sunburn. Gives your skin a very beautiful rosy glow.


Things you need:

  • 1 tsp of wild turmeric powder 
  • Fenugreek seeds powder 1 tsp
  • Red sandalwood powder 2 tsps
  • Rose water 1/2 cup


Combine all the ingredients and infuse for 1-2 hours. Strain using a muslin cloth and use it as a facial toner or facial spray. Can be stored in form of ice cubes for 1 week. Can use this rice cubes to rub on facial skin.



  • Patch test is mandatory before you use this brightening tonic water recipe.
  • Use organic ingredients for best results.
  • Use the fresh solution as much as possible.
  • If you are a lactating mother or pregnant, take your doctor advice before using this recipe.
  • Acne prone skin people can take their dermatologist’s suggestion before using this recipe.
  • Can add your favorite essential oils to this recipe. Please choose the one that suits your skin type.
  • Maintain the consistency to see the best results.
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