I am all about Ayurvedic beauty recipes and when it is about hair, I get super pumped. I have used herbal shampoo all my life and one of the best shampoo recipes that I ever tried was using shikakai and reetha. Reetha is nothing but soap nuts that have natural cleansing properties. Shikakai nourishes the hair along with gentle cleansing. If you are in a lookout for an all natural and hundred percent Ayurvedic Herbal Shampoo recipe, you are at the right place. Keep reading to know how to make it –





Shikakai is a natural scalp and hair cleansing ingredient and it is found in the form of a pod. It nourishes the scalp and hair and also helps strengthen your hair follicles. Reduces hair fall and boost growth as well. Makes your hair thicker and longer gradually and adds a beautiful reflective shine to the hair. Also deep conditions your hair so that you do not need conditioner after shampooing.

Reetha (Soap Nuts)

Reetha also called as soap nuts have great scalp and hair cleansing properties. It contains natural saponins that lathers a bit and also breaks down excess sebum and dirt layer from the scalp and hair. Does not dry out the scalp and hair when used exactly as mentioned and keeps your hair soft and silky.

Orange Peel

Orange peel not only adds a beautiful citrus fragrance to the recipe but it also boost hair growth and reduces hair shedding. It helps fight dandruff caused due to fungal growth and also as a reflective shine to the hair. Nourishes and conditions your scalp and hair.

Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are quite known for their hair growth boosting properties. I have written a detailed article on how to use curry leaves for hair growth, you can find it HERE. Curry leaves nourishes and strengthens hair follicles and reduces hair fall. Boost hair growth and makes your hair thicker, stronger and longer gradually.


Things you need-

  • 1 cup water
  • 2-3 medium sized shikakai pods
  • Handful soap nuts
  • Few fresh or dried orange peels
  • Handful curry leaves


To make this Ayurvedic herbal shampoo, you first need to pour water in a bowl and add and shikakai pods, soap nuts and orange peels. Put a lid on it and let it infuse overnight. The next morning, cook this on medium flame for about 15 to 20 minutes after you add in the curry leaves. Let it completely cool down and strain the liquid. Make sure that you are squeezing all the liquid out from soap nuts and shikakai pods. Now this is your shampoo. To use, pour this on your scalp and hair and massage it really nicely for a few minutes. Rinse it off with water and use a conditioner if you wish. This concoction will last a week in the refrigerator but it is best used fresh. To store it for a longer period, you can freeze it into ice cubes and then melt it before using.         


  • Patch test before hand to make sure that the ingredients suit you.
  • Always use organic ingredients for best results.
  • For added benefits, you can add in few drops of your favorite essential oil before using the shampoo.
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