We all know how amazing teas are for health and beauty and I swear by my tea remedies. I absolutely love using black and green tea (and many more teas; mentioned in this post) for skin and hair and you need to give it a try to really believe, if you don’t already! It has so many benefits and today I will be sharing exactly how amazing teas are for hair care and how you can actually use them. Did you know that washing your hair with tea can be so much beneficial for a lot of hair issues? Be it dandruff, hair shedding, frizz, hair fall, lack of hair growth etc. washing your hair with tea can help solve all your common hair issues. Keep reading to know how to wash hair with tea and how beneficial it is –

Darken Hair
Did you know that if you want to darken your hair, you can wash your hair with specific teas to gradually darken your natural hair shade? All you need to do is simmer handful of sage and henna or black tea in 2 cups of water. Strain and use it to wash your hair after shampooing. Massage for a few minutes, let it stay for 10 minutes and then rinse it off. This helps darken your natural hair color when used gradually.
Lighten Hair
You can use chamomile tea as your hair rinse to lighten your hair gradually. Alternatively, you can also use lemon and orange peel to lighten your hair. All you need to do is simmer handful of fresh lemon and orange peel in water, strain and use it as a last hair rinse. Let it sit for 10 minutes and rinse it off.
Treat Dandruff
Basil and mint tea can do wonders if you have dandruff prone scalp. This tea works great for both fungus induced dandruff and dry weather induced dandruff. All you need to do is add handful of basil or mint leaves in water and bring it to a boil. Strain and let the water cool down. Use this as a last hair rinse and a massage for a few minutes. Let it sit for 10 minutes and rinse it out.
Boost Hair Growth
I am sure you already know how effective rosemary essential oil is for boasting hair growth. You can actually make rosemary tea and use it to wash your hair after shampooing to do the same thing. It helps boost hair growth and strengthens your hair follicles. You can also use black tea for boosting your hair growth.
Oily Hair
Nettle tea and green tea is great for scalp that is oily and produces excess sebum. Both the teas have detoxing properties and helps gradually reduce excess sebum production. All you need to do is make a really strong nettle tea and green tea or a blend of both together and use it to wash your hair as a last hair rinse.
Reduce Itchiness
If you have itchy scalp, lemon tea or mint tea can really help soothe the scalp and calm down itchiness. All you need to do is simmer lemon peel in water and also add in few drops of lemon juice and use it as a last hair rinse. To make mint tea, you need to simmer fresh or dried mint leaves in water, strain and then use it to wash your hair.
Frizz-Free Hair
If you have really frizzy and unmanageable hair, rose tea can do wonders. All you need to do is simmer fresh or dried handful rose petals in 2 cups of water until water turns pink and then strain. Add in few drops of rose or lavender essential oil for an added benefits and use it to wash your hair after shampooing. You can skip rinsing it out with water and leave it on as a leave on treatment.